A GOP town hall in Idaho turned violent when private security, LEAR Asset Management, forcibly removed Teresa Borrenpohl for speaking out.
The incident escalated after Borrenpohl questioned a panelist’s anti-abortion stance, leading to her being dragged out by unmarked security. Sheriff Norris, present but in plainclothes, did not intervene initially.
LEAR, known for aggressive tactics, was revealed to have been hired by the town hall organizers. Police later revoked LEAR’s city license and clarified that removing someone for speaking out is unlawful.
The incident shows rising tensions and the blurring lines between political events and private security enforcement in conservative areas.
This seems like a dubious tactic in any state that has “stand your ground” laws.
The unmarked security force were from a private security firm called LEAR Asset Management, the Press reported, but Sheriff Norris “claimed no knowledge of the security personnel or who hired them.”
Wait, so the sheriff, admits that he just watched three unidentified men assault a woman in front of him, and that he has no knowledge of who they are or who hired them, and he took no action at all. If he knows nothing about them or who hired them, how would he know that they were providing security? This is brown shirts in action and the sheriff is clearly one of them. Terrifying.
Not just watched, he’s the one in the video telling her she needs to leave and then had the “private security” remove her.
But he doesn’t know who hired them? Who was in charge of security for the event. How would the local sheriff no know that?
Does their lawsuit shield come off them when their badge comes off?
So he gave the illegal order to remove her to vigilantes he didn’t know as law enforcement, and he’s not in trouble?
He didn’t just watch; he was the first to make contact with her, then commanded the private security himself ‘boys get her’.
Remember, the police in the US have no duty to protect
or to be truthful in their interactions.
And except for when you’re driving, you have no responsibility to talk with them unless you’re in a stop and identify state: Alabama, Delaware, Florida, Illinois, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New York, North Dakota, Rhode Island, Utah, and Wisconsin.
You’re not required to identify yourself or talk with them unless you are formally being detained, which is about the only thing they have to tell the truth about. They are not worth talking to in any situatuion, and they are never “off duty” So they are never worth talking to after work either. They should always be ignored and interacted with as little as possible.
Police in America exist to protect the wealthy. You can trace back their origins to the bounty hunters who caught and returned escaped slaves to their masters.
If you are not wealthy, the police are not your friends.
I mean, it seems pretty clear he knew exactly who they were, and he decided to look the other way, which is just as bad.
Sheriffs are known for being gangsters, probably just another day in the park for him
Wasn’t he the guy who mocked and belittled her as she was assaulted? The only who called her a little girl?
According to the article that was the moderator of the town hall who said that. Some website developer named, Ed Bejarana. No clue if he was involved with security, but he certainly seemed to be getting off on watching a woman get abused.
“That little girl is afraid to leave!” Bejarana called from the stage. “She spoke up and now she doesn’t want to suffer the consequences.”
What a fucking piece of shit.
Edited to add - there aren’t supposed to be any consequences for speaking up. That’s part of what we supposedly all value about our nation you fucking poseurs wrapped in your US flag and preamble to the constitution prints!
"burn the witch!" - Bejarana (almost certainly)
That’s just it - these types have always loathed actual freedom. At least freedom for anyone other than themselves.
Easy Rider could be rather uneven in places, but this scene just NAILS IT:
“You represent freedom.”
Thank you for the reminder to rewatch Easy Rider!
It’s interesting, the tv news i saw about this said that the organizers said that this wasn’t a “town hall” it was a private Republican Party event, and therefore people were not allowed to interrupt and they were allowed to hire their own private security.
This article makes it sound like they are walking that initial stance back a bit.
I mean a town hall in a rural part of Idaho kind of is a republican party event…
Allowing them to violently repress the people living in that town who do disagree with them won’t do anything to make this country better
Sadly less than half of us know that, but you are correct.
The irl equivalent of “flaired users only”.
If you’re anywhere, and someone in plain clothes tries to force you to do anything and they haven’t identified as police, start fucking swinging, especially if it’s somewhere like this where it’s clear that they don’t have authority. They committed assault and it’s perfectly legal to defend yourself if you feel threatened. In the end, you probably still end up getting dragged out, but maybe you can break a Nazi’s nose, or if your lucky and hit them in the right spot hard enough, you could kill a Nazi.
At the very least, Teresa needs to sue everyone involved. Make being a fascist at least hurt.
Sounds like a good way to end up sitting in jail for assaulting an officer. Yeah, you’re within your rights to defend yourself. Your day is still fucked and your foreseeable future is probably fucked too until you win the court battle in a few years.
I’m this particular circumstance, they weren’t lawfully allowed to touch her let alone remove her to my understanding. If I misinterpreted, then yea don’t hit cops, they will
shoothit back and then take you to jail. Obviously if it’s an office in plain clothes, they are still cops, but if not, swing away like your life depends on it, because it just may.Mostly just an emotional response to a shitty situation, but one of these days, regardless of who it is and their authority, swinging might be the last option.
The problem with plain clothes is it’s kinda hard to tell if they’re a cop or just security,. especially in the heat of the moment.
Yea I get it. I’m unfortunately reaching the point where to me it doesn’t matter because something/someone needs to be the Luigi for this movement. Punching a plain clothes cop in the mouth isn’t shooting a CEO, but on the news, it could be an inspiration for a movement.
10+ years ago, the rhetoric that the GOP uses in normal conversation today would have been a career ender. Trump being the piece of shit he is, said it all out loud and that made it acceptable for other cunts to do the same. Racism, Bigotry, Antisemitism, they’re all acceptable now because someone broke through that barrier. Maybe defending one’s freedom with violence against the cross burners could have the same normalizing effect.
Don’t forget that they are now throwing seig heils now.
Thanks to Bronzo the Clown specifically, but they’ve been on this path for decades, so if it wasn’t Bronzo, it would have been some other POS Republican. As long as they could get just enough votes for this shit, given the way demographics are changing, you could almost predict how reactionary these fucks were going to get.
They looked around and see how many non-whites there are. They see how many non-xtians there are. They see gays getting married and being accepted, and now they are further freaked out to find out that trans exist and are not closeted like they once were…
Don’t think it’s a good idea to start swinging if the event is full of numb nuts with guns.
I mean, if you can put yourself at the center of a crossfire event and make sure two or more get hurt as badly as you do it’s a net positive
Yeah, it would have been nice to see them trying this shit on a woman that was well-versed in self-defense and knew their rights - maybe a few knees straight to the groin at top speed, some throat punches and some eye gouging.
I mean, it’s possible it could have escalated even further, but seriously - if you have no idea who the hell is attacking you and trying to restrain you for…checks notes…speaking your mind, what other recourse do you have?
Link to incident. No news coverage, just the incident.
The most horrifying part to me is the boomers watching dispassionately as she’s dragged away.
Yeah, the Republicans thought it was a good thing to get rid of her. First Amendment anyone?
First amendment is a victim of the real “cancel culture”.
And the people filming as she gets dragged away.
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Sue the shit out of them. It’s all on video.
This is the way, at least until Trump squashes it by some new bullshit dictatorial power or the SCOTUS goes digging for what 1600s witch hunters thought about freedom of speech. Until then, however, we still at least nominally have a constitution that says she had a right to be there and speak.
You got it! Make them put all their cards on the table. How far and fast are the $upremes willing to take this because they are creating a lot of Super Mario Brothers fans.
God damn, when the city cops say “bro, you went too far”, you fuuuuuucked up.
when the city cops say “bro, you went too far”
Said after the fact, with no one being charged with a crime.
I think we’d all like to assume that law enforcement wouldnt let their political opinions influence the performance of their sworn duties but time and again we see this sort of thing, and theres no real way to hold them to any account or standard of professionalism at all. They are a clear danger to everyone they come into contact with, and they even have state sponsored permission to lie and deceive in their interactions with you.
Not that I disagree law enforcement needs a lot of fixing, but in this case I have to clarify the facts.
This was not law enforcement, this was private security. Actual law enforcement pulled the private group’s license because of this.
An interesting note though; It was the
towncounty sheriff that made first contact with her and he ordered the private security to remove her.The sheriff so far is facing no punishment.
County sheriff, not town sheriff.
Actual law enforcement pulled the private group’s license because of this.
Long after she was already removed, the damage done, and with no one from the “security” company being charged with a crime.
Did the lady attempt to press charges and fail?
Murica and israel are the new nazis! Wild timeline!
Russia has been for a loooooong time already
Burn stuff. You’ve got a constitutional and legal right to assembly and speech. If they don’t recognize that, then you don’t have to recognize their position of power and authority laid out by the same constitutional and legal framework.
Yup. Get good smoke bombs, photo realistic sheer face mask, flare gun, and gasoline. Move under cover of smoke, don’t show your face, avoid cameras, or sabotage them days/weeks prior.
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A town hall is where a politician declares his edict and participants silently accept them /s
Norris was in the video telling her she needed to leave.
This article is missing details.
Teresa Borrenpohl later told the Coeur d’Alene/Post Falls Press that, as it happened, she didn’t know if it was an arrest or a kidnapping.
Well it’s good to know that if you get kidnapped plenty of people will film it happening to put online after the fact.
The general public outnumber these fascist assholes. If you see someone possibly being kidnapped by unknown assailants you look at someone beside you and say “we need to help them” and you fucking interfere.