most of us have the memory of a goldfish; its a surpise every time.
…just this guy, you know.
most of us have the memory of a goldfish; its a surpise every time.
USian here. ikr?! at the moment we all look the same. I am so fucking sorry.
edit: Ugly American (Pejorative) for those who may not have known.
reminding myself that this is the second extortion attempt zelenskyy has faced at the (tiny) hands of trump.
the man has had some unbelievably bad luck politically, but has managed to hold his shit together in the face of the most powerful, unhinged nutjob on the planet. twice.
I had the privilege of being in a room, just 10 feet away from bernie for 45 minutes listening to a semi-public stratagy session on the 2020 campaign. I have never met a more forthright, empathetic and human politician.
Both Republican congressmen criticized Sanders’ visit, with Van Orden calling him a millionaire who “has never worked an honest day.”
funny how writing a series of best selling books about his lived experiences as an advocate, organizer and legislator can bring in money under a capitalist system.
those who dont lose their souls while working within the system to bring about change are rare. while I may not agree with him 100% of the time, bernie has yet to show me any reason to withdraw my support.
it needs to be repeated until enough listen
exactly. the fascists put in the hard propaganda work for the past 40 years. yesterday is gone but today, and every future day, is the second best time to pull up and push back.
"burn the witch!" - Bejarana (almost certainly)
I have zero special knowledge, but generic history would suggest that at least some in the officer class, regardless of political leaning, will not be down with the current trajectory.
no idea what this may look like, but my worthless analysis portends something brewing ahead and it may be wise to consider possibilities and prep accordingly. fuck these “interesting times”.
Per Silverman’s research, Martynov was an officer in the technical espionage division of the Russian intelligence agency back in 1980, when he was sent to the United States to serve as an undercover agent at the Soviet Embassy in Washington, D.C. About two years into his stay, Martynov got flipped by the FBI and started to feed the US government Soviet secrets.
so not a planted double agent.
idk, man. at some point bodies have to go on the line. people need to stand in the way.
I am thankful that some in the Democratic party seem to be willing to lead on this. makes it a little easier for the rest of us to get the fuck up off the couch.
edit: creeped your posts. usa here. double thumbs up on your american blackout day on the 28th. stand up to the bully - I am proud for canada.
Are illegals constituents?
really, dude? really?
not disagreeing with your overall premise, but do clearly labeled bot news aggregator communities need much interaction right now?
I read many of the articles on bot feeds and will sometimes comment on ones that I think should get a few more eyeballs. others do the same and I appreciate their prodding as well. for my usecase lemmy in its current state has been absolutely wonderful, and I am enjoying watching it evolve.
Sean Caroll - intonation and cadence. [subject matter awesome. must. stay. awake]
But the signature can’t really guarantee the truthfulness of the content. I could make a signed post that claiming that the Earth is flat.
important point, but in a federated or distributed system, this signed posts/comments may actually be highly beneficial for when tying content directly to an account for interaction purposes. I have already seen well-ish known accounts seemingly spoofed on similar looking instance domains.
distribution of trusted public keys would be an interesting problem to address but the ability to confirm the association of a specific account to specific content (even if the account is “anonymous” and signing is optional) may lend a layer to of veracity to interactions even if the content quality itself is questionable.
edit: clarity (and potential case in point - words matter, edits matter).
“I would own this. Think of it as a real estate development,” he told Baier. Under the plan, Trump declared, “The United States owns the Gaza Strip.”
he believes the US is one of his companies and he is going to financially nuke it in the exact same way.
holy hell, that was a deconstruction!
deleted by creator
pelosi firmly believes octogenarian throat cancer is the future of the democratic party.
he👏 has👏 said👏 this👏 shit👏 be👏fore👏
that little nazi kushner has been advocating for this much earlier, but the deranged orange sack of shit occupying the failed states of america has been publically voicing his preferred form of ethnic cleansing since October of 2024.
so, one of the hallmarks of fascism. got it.
sings in american… " O Canada!"