He’s angry because he lost his election. I’m angry because I fear we lost our country.
Maximum age limits should be enacted
This is the most incredibly selfish thing I could possibly imagine. An old man moping about his inability to cling to power for another minute. As the next generations look on, begging for someone to act.
He paints Trump as a villain (rightfully so) but is so pathetic that he is unable to rise to any heroism. At least go out swinging.
Don’t know what I expected. But it is a slap in the fucking face to hear this.
Somehow he’s not near the top of my list of people to feel sorry for.
Biden has been absolutely consistent about is this belief that he believes that had he stayed in the race, he would have defeated Donald Trump again
And this is one reason why. He was dead weight that held back Harris (or someone more capable that might have emerged if there had been a competitive primary).
“Forced out.” welcome to a primary, Biden. Functional parties have them.
Both shams when we know that the DNC picks their favorite from day one and works with the media to form their narrative. 90% of voters are just looking to be told who to vote for.
Look no further than Kamala. Right up until 21 July, when Biden was facing calls to resign by rank and file Dems every day, we were getting puff piece after puff piece that “Biden still polls better than Kamala Harris,” “Biden is still the best possible candidate.” Well, Biden eventually caved and literally overnight Harris became not only the real best chance, but actually was looking really good. Nothing about her changed. None of her policies changed overnight. The only thing that changed was that she was now the status quo choice and therefore “safe” for the MSM to endorse.
Biden still beat Trump while Harris didn’t.
Maybe he would have the second time too just because he’s white and male.
Biden won his primary.
A sham primary in which the DNC shut out new candidates, refused to have debates, and then coronated a new candidate anyway.
I’ll catch downvotes for this, but every incumbent president has a primary that is abbreviated and dominated by the incumbent. Biden is no different than Obama, Bush, etc. That said, you can and should still be critical of the DNC not hosting a full primary when Harris was tapped out.
That’s not an accident though, the party is choosing to shut out new candidates. I think it’s always wrong to do, because it puts even more power over our elections into the hands of billionaires.
If the DNC couldn’t stop Marianne Williamson from running against Biden, then they couldn’t stop anyone.
And the DNC doesn’t run debates, they are generally run by the media networks.
The DNC removed delegates for an entire state during the primary, they argued in court in 2016 they didn’t have to respect the voters as a private company. They’ve been actively suppressing democracy in primaries ever since Obama skipped the line.
They removed the delegates of New Hampshire, because New Hampshire didn’t follow the rules. New Hampshire thought it was entitled to vote first even though it was clearly another state’s turn to vote first.
Eventually the DNC ended up reinstating the NH delegates.
You can’t seriously consider what he won to be a legitimate primary.
People were free to choose from a list of candidates. That’s equally “legitimate” as most primaries.
Here in California, we haven’t had a presidential democratic primary since 2016, and he wasn’t running then. Please explain how he won, when the DNC cancelled the 2020 primary before we even got to vote, and never had a 2024 primary?
I mean that’s obviously a lie. There’s documentation that proves primaries were held. I voted in mine.
Some of them were held. Ours was cancelled and they called it for Biden because of the pandemic. And again, what primary in 2024?
The one my wife and I voted in.
There was a California primary in 2024.
- Biden won 3,207,687 votes
- Williamson won 146,356 votes
Other candidates included
- Eban Cambridge
- Gabriel Cornejo
- Stephen P Lyons
- Armando “Mando” Perez-Serrato
- Dean Phillips
I was signed up for mail in voting, and never got a primary ballot in 2020. Got one in 2024 but of course there wasn’t a presidential primary option.
Also how many votes did Bernie get, cause we had tons of Bernie voters here in 2016 and 2020
Maybe you didn’t see the presidential primary on your ballot? If not you should have gotten another ballot, because millions of other Californians voted in the presidential primary.
And Sanders wasn’t running in 2024. He is not required to run in order to hold a primary.
There wasn’t a presidential primary in 2024, I thought we were talking about 2020, when there was one that the DNC called early because of the pandemic. As far as I can tell there wasn’t a primary in CA in 2020 because despite being on the register, and signed up for mail in voting, I never got a ballot. Didn’t follow up due to pandemic.
If those are 2024 vote totals, then they were made up, because we didn’t have a presidential primary. I got that ballot.
I don’t know what you’re talking about. I already linked the results of the 2024 California primary.
And of course there was also a California primary in 2020. Not only that, Sanders won.
What county are you in? Because I’m in central Cali, and I’m pretty sure I voted for Dean Phillips in the primary.
If the California 2020 primary was cancelled then why are there results reported? (Spoiler, Bernie won it)
But there was a primary. Correct?
Not that I can tell. Especially since none of those names are Sanders, and despite being signed up, I wasn’t allowed to vote.
As you just said in another comment, you opted out of electing a political party preference, which is the same thing as opting out of voting in the primaries.
This is a decision you made, don’t misrepresent it. I don’t complain when I can’t see in a dark room because I didn’t want to turn the light on.
What are even talking about? I voted by mail in both 2020 and 2024 primaries, in California.
And I’ll never stop feeling angry that he didn’t decide to step down after one term. The difference is that I’m going to live long enough to see the consequences of that decision.
Biden has absolutely nobody to blame for him getting ousted but himself.
Dems told him he should not run for a second term, and he ignored them and did it anyway.
Then, he proves all his critics right by absolutely imploding during the debate.
What did he expect?
Time to fade away into obscurity. Thanks for letting your ego get in the way of what was best for America.
He fumbled his chance by historical margins when everybody was already scrutinizing his capabilities. There was no recovering from the debate. His legacy will be refusing to accept reality and bringing about an era that my generation may never recover from.
Why don’t you save the country instead of being a moody bitch? It’s entirely possible to do the wrong things for all the right reasons, and still be correct
I hope by the time the next election comes around, assuming we will ever have another election, that we endorse a new party and completely abandon the democratic party in favor of something like a labor party. Maybe, just maybe, we have seen the Democrats vs. Republicans for the last time.
This country had different parties before, we can have different parties again.
I’m more aligned with Sanders than the democrats. D just feels like neoliberalism protected by identity politics when we need to focus on class issues. Lots of working people can get behind the same idea of wealth inequality. Identity politics has fragmented the focus. I don’t give a shit about Target/rando corp having rainbow clothes: when lots of people cannot afford the clothes, then that’s a problem to solve.
I agree with you that the Democrats need to focus on economic issues, but I’m not following on the “identity politics.”
What did the Democrats propose to do about pride merch in Target?
It’s less about what they did than didn’t do. There’s been inroads made because of identity politics, but now it feels somewhat pointless. Instead of being the “big tent” party, the Dems are the party of many tents. That means working class people look at it, say, “I’m not part of some special group, so I don’t matter.” And they turn red or just “not Dems.” A lot of people didn’t have improvements in their lives over the last 4 years.
Absolutely, some groups are more negatively impacted by others, but systemic racism is invisible to many. Meanwhile, things are more expensive, salaries can’t keep up with inflation, we’re talking about trillionaires in 10 years.
I don’t identify as a democrat. They can talk all they want, but I have no faith in the party. I fit in several identity politics groups, but that doesn’t matter while people struggle with housing, food… it’s just a distraction to divide us further rather than focusing on the shared element that every day people are facing.
That means working class people look at it, say, “I’m not part of some special group, so I don’t matter.”
In fairness, there haven’t been a lot of indicators that the working class matters to Democrats. In fact, they got a few very public demonstrations that when given the opportunity, Democrats will not act in the best interests of workers.
The problem isn’t that Democrats defend trans people too much (because they fucking don’t. They ran republican anti-trans hate in their own ads last election.) The problem is that Democrats don’t also fight for workers.
Democrats should openly and viciously fight for every tent they (falsely claim to) represent. Not just the ones that are convenient at the moment.
The Democrats are the incompetent defenders
Incompetent implies that they tried and failed. Not failed to try.
I agree at the general prescription for the party. On a personal level, it’s starting to feel like a distraction, and maybe even a manufactured one.
On a personal level, it’s starting to feel like a distraction, and maybe even a manufactured one.
So we should just abandon every vulnerable minority on the grounds that protecting them or fighting for them in any way would just play into Republicans’ attempts to distract?
Oh yeah! Definitely what I’m saying in good faith! /s
Focus on what an actual aligned group can: our class. We’d help those groups and more if we stopped doing this.
I say I agree with someone and I get bad faith questioning back.
I’m still not following then.
Why would you list pride merch in Target as one of the problems with the Democrats if that’s not one of their problems?
Do you have anything to support this hypothesis that supporting vulnerable groups was what cost them the election instead of them being the party of the status quo? Or maybe I’m misunderstanding?
Like I said, I’m with you that they need to focus on economics that has an effect on people’s lives. I just don’t follow your other point.
It’s a joke because a bunch of people on the right got mad over Target.
This is an opinion. I’m okay with my feelings being wrong.
Then aren’t you doing the thing you’re complaining about? Choosing to discuss identity politics over economics?
I don’t want to talk about it. Other people are?
It’s not about you Joe. Get the fuck over yourself.
You still woulda lost, Joe. Dumb American voters wanted someone to blame for groceries costing more, and that blame went to you.
I originally read that as “genocide costing more” and was like “how true”
Sadly, most Americans don’t care about what happens to other people.
Fuck this guy. Shouldn’t have been there in the first place. Now, to a large extent because of his decisions, we all have to suffer through the rule of the dumbest, most bigoted and greedy assholes ever.
If he’s bitter, just imagine how the rest of us feel, watching him disappoint us as we expected he would but hoped he wouldn’t.
But not angry enough to do anything helpful.