Executive orders don’t work for things like reigning in corporate greed. They work for everything else. But helping a large portion of the nations backbone? Can’t do it. Won’t even try.
-DJT (probably)
Executive orders don’t work for things like reigning in corporate greed. They work for everything else. But helping a large portion of the nations backbone? Can’t do it. Won’t even try.
-DJT (probably)
Batya Ungar-Sargon insisted. “This is a man with Aspergers exuberantly throwing his heart to the crowd. We don’t need to invent outrage.”
This is a man who has been in the public eye for decades. He has given speeches to crowds before. At no point has he spontaneously seig heiled as a means of expressing emotions before. He knew exactly what he was doing. He felt secure surrounded by this crowd and took the opportunity to make a statement… and they fucking cheered.
It makes me want to throw up. I am exhausted by these articles. It reminds me of the narcissits prayer. -That didn’t happen. -And if it did, it wasn’t that bad. -And if it was, that’s not a big deal. -And if it is, that’s not my fault. -And if it was, I didn’t mean it. -And if I did, you deserved it. They give him an inch and he takes a mile.
This is the most incredibly selfish thing I could possibly imagine. An old man moping about his inability to cling to power for another minute. As the next generations look on, begging for someone to act.
He paints Trump as a villain (rightfully so) but is so pathetic that he is unable to rise to any heroism. At least go out swinging.
Don’t know what I expected. But it is a slap in the fucking face to hear this.
Watched from my kitchen window as my dad and my dog were chased by a skunk. It was exactly like a comedy sketch. First it was dog barking at skunk with dad yelling from the side door. Then it was skunk chasing dog, dog chasing skunk with dad chasing dog. Then the tables were turned, and my dad was being chased by the skunk.
It was glorious. I remember it taking ages before they could get safely inside. My dad was pissed at the time. They both were partially sprayed, but I don’t remember it being that bad of an aftermath. We laugh about it now.
Not fucking happy about it. Worst possible outcome.
Contact lenses. I know I could use my glasses, but I put them down and can’t find them half the time. I am blind enough to be absolutely useless in most situations without corrective lenses.
Hot water on demand. Coming in from the cold and getting a hot shower. That is so wonderful.
It never ceases to amaze me that the party of ‘family values’ and ‘traditional families’ doesn’t have a single member that fits that category. They are all sex obsessed sleezebags that cheat on each other and sexually assualt people.
Isn’t this what his employees have been saying about him for years? From what I understand, he comes up with ideas using his super genius big boy brain. He then puts insane deadlines and requirements on his employees (the engineers actually doing the work). Then, he’ll want to alter the design and expect immediate compliance and ridicule them for not being as intelligent as he wants them to be.
He is running Doge like one of his businesses. But it is an entirely different thing, and shockingly moving quickly and breaking things destabilizes a govorning structure. Who knew? /s