Right when he’s completely useless, he pushes for this. Pathetic and disingenuous.
Little fucking late, Joey.
Lol what’s this from?
Dumb and Dumber!
Am I old?!
Thought it was Ace Ventura purely bc body movement so distinct!
No Hawaiian shirt. That’s the dead giveaway
Good call!
Honestly everyone in my friend group loved that movie but I never got around to watching it, so for what it’s worth imo it’s less that you’re old and more that I’m uncultured 😋
Biden had previously declined to take a position on congressional stock trading. When Jen Psaki served as White House press secretary two years ago, she said Biden would “let members of leadership in Congress and members of Congress determine what the rules should be.”
Back when it was up for debate and the party had the numbers…
I fucking hate how moderates waste the time for action, ignore everyone spending years demanding action…
Then turn around like that fucking pulp fiction meme asking why no one has thought to do the thing we’ve spent years telling them to do once there’s no time.
At best they’re completely incompetent, at worst they’re not as dumb as a box of rocks and are just incredibly incompetent. Whatever the reason, we can do better. We have to do better.
we have to do better
I agree, but we won’t.
You’re days away from the end of your entire run and now we grow morals.
This is like those old racist folks on their death beds trying to make amends to anyone and everyone in their final days.
In the month he has left in office?
This is just a fucking PR stunt and won’t go anywhere.
If it reveals GOP hipocracy on how they treat Pelosi vs their own stock traders, then maybe a little PR would do a lot of good.
The ball is in Republican court, money where their mouth is, the DNC is ready to ban stock trading for its members even if it means expulsion of Nancy Pelosi who married a stock broker decades ago.
Yeah, NOW he wants. The last 4 years wasn’t time enough to get this done.
Fuck off.
Or any time in like the 40 years he was in congress….
Or when he had the ear of the president from 2008-2016 as VP.
Useless gesture that will never ever get passed. Thanks Joe.
He couldn’t and didn’t pursue this when he wasn’t a lame duck. Get real on that fixing your legacy in a month thing
Please describe how he has been a lame duck president. Given he represents a party that is outnumbered in the Senate. And let’s table the Israeli/Palestine conflict since this forum of discussion doesn’t really work well for full history and geopolitical strategy history lessons.
Just using it for a temporal reference as he’s out of time in his presidency. Any other meaning not intended.
All presidents become lame ducks after their last election but before the next president takes office.
Thanks for nothing dipshit.
Making the calculated decision to do this not only in his lame duck period but also right up against Christmas and before the new congress is sworn in on Jan 3. So brave.
Honestly this is more of an insult than helpful for those of us who actually want to see this happen.
it says, “we acknowledge your concerns and will continue to do it because you’re helpless to stop it”
Jesus Christ Joe, are you trying to take food from their children’s mouths? How dare you sir, insider trading is the only real perk they get…well Healthcare and insider trading.
Destroy Wall Street. Literally remove it brick by brick if you have to. That cancer is killing us all and we’re all tied to it.
Four years too fucking late, asshole
Why wait until the last possible second to go for this? What a complete knob
Because he doesn’t need to work in politics ever again and this is going to be a pretty unpopular policy to lobby for. No one who ever has to whip votes on the Hill would ever put this kind of proposal forward. It was always going to come from a fringe of a caucus or a lame duck President.
Next up, he’ll try to introduce a bill that states free healthcare for all, paid through the taxes. Everyone wants it, but nothing will come of it, because America will be a fascist country in about a month. Good luck, America!
You could have pushed for it when there was actually an attempt to make that bill (before Pelosi killed it, she repaid you by pushing you out).
I feel like if you want to hold government office you should 1. Give up all your wealth. 2. In exchange for this, you get a rock solid $500,000 salary. This isn’t because you are an elite, this is because paying you well makes it harder to bribe you. 3. When you lose your seat or step down, you can never work again in your life. This is to prevent you from ever taking on a lobbying job or otherwise using your power to enrich yourself and influence government for special interests. In exchange for this, you can take 80% of your salary that you had while in office until you die.
These changes hopefully would give office holders enough personal financial security to focus on making decisions without being influenced by external money.
We don’t need to bribe them to do their jobs. We need to make them afraid of what will happen to them if they don’t.
It’s both. Otherwise noone would be dumb enough to do such a high profile, high stress, and apparently low paying job. I do want the smartest, hardest working and best people leading my country, not some random guy would couldn’t get a better job.