Actually this might be true. There are many ultra conservative Indians
Actually this might be true. There are many ultra conservative Indians
IMO Hakeem Jeffries should also be replaced as minority leader / speaker. He’s about as exciting as a wet dish rag. Great that he’s on message but it’s so transparently measured and calculated. Exactly why Pelosi groomed him to take over, I’m guessing. Just an absolute milk sandwich of a man.
NO. Please fuck off for three years.
Any steady hand would have accomplished this.
The gloating, however, reminds me of my labor union’s incessant self-promotion of how their contract negotiating skills got us a 1.5% increase in a year where the prime rate stood at about 8%.
Making the calculated decision to do this not only in his lame duck period but also right up against Christmas and before the new congress is sworn in on Jan 3. So brave.
Honestly this is more of an insult than helpful for those of us who actually want to see this happen.
Alright buddy.