Yep, the USA is heading toward a 3rd World dictatorship at full steam.
This is what happens when you lose a class war.
The FBI was never on the side of the working class
Was addressing more of the ‘“taking out your government in the dead of night” aspect.
This has to be illegal in soooo many ways.
It’s completely illegal.
Who’s gonna do something about it? The FBI?
The supreme… Oh wait.
Congr… Oh Ya they are part the problem.
That’s the thing, the system of checks and balances broke down. Even in the scenario where one party captured all three branches we assumed they would at least have the ego to protect their own power.
Trump is not just illegally usurping congress’s’ power for a lot of these but they are willingly giving up their power
Looks like it’s up to the Omicron Initiative to solve America’s problems once again.
Something is only illegal if someone upholds the law. And so far no one has upheld anything. And these are the people who tried, and now they’re being made examples of just in case anyone else gets the wrong ideas.
Legality had its chance…
Their own “night of the long knives” but with mere illegal firings.
You slow walk it for him and this is the thanks you get.
Lol really. I understand there’s probably a lot of nuance but for the majority of us laymen this is what we saw the whole 4 years Biden was in office. Nothing was done to prevent a return of Trump. Which speaks volumes about those in power even when a democrat is in power.
The night of the long knives.
Fun Hitler fact (as if there is such a thing): the phrase “Night of the Long Knives” was coined by Hitler himself in a speech given shortly after the event, although he used the phrase to describe what Ernst Rohm had allegedly been planning himself. The media instead attached the phrase to Hitler’s actions, much against his wishes.
This is more like Stalin’s Great Purge
Saddam Hussein , 1979. Have you seen that video?
The FBI is just another group of cops that are assholes. The ones that “went after Trump”, didn’t do shit for 4 years, and those that didn’t want to will be wishing they had once they cross Trump for some other bullshit and find themselves on the chopping block.
When you support corruption you’ll get fucked by a corrupt fucker sooner or later.
I don’t want to defend cops, but in this case they did as good a job as expected from them. FBI can’t prosecute, they can only make the case, and that’s by design and that’s the good design. They made very good cases. All the cases died with judjes that Trump appointed the last time.
And I suppose we’ll get more feigned surprise in the “liberal media”, pretending they didn’t know that donvict is a vengeful asshole that plans on doing NOTHING for the American people and everything to enrich the broligarchy and make others suffer, all while carrying out revenge on anyone he thinks “wronged” him.
Oh, and I’m sure we’ll get more gaslighting and total lack of any apology from the idiots that were telling everyone bOtHsIdEs in the run up to the election, because the Democratic Party didn’t promise them a pretty pony.
This is not at all worrying /s