Efforts to impeach Donald Trump for a third time are intensifying as he begins his second term.
The non-partisan group Free Speech For People launched the “Impeach Trump. Again” campaign, citing constitutional violations, including his alleged role in the January 6 Capitol riots and breaches of the emoluments clause.
The group also accuses Trump of campaign finance violations, xenophobic rhetoric, and abuse of power.
However, impeachment remains unlikely with Republicans controlling Congress. Democrats may revisit impeachment if they regain control in 2026.
Jesus Christ… NO.
Same as the last two times, it’s a wasted effort without the votes in the Senate. If you can’t remove him, don’t bother. Focus on winning back the House and Senate in 2026.
Time and time again, this image remains relevant
Amen Kent.
Though I’d argue the Ds can govern
They do ok. But look at what’s going on with gaza. They definitely arent batting 100. Plus all the governing they sometimes do must equally benefit the wealthy class or it won’t happen.
Sure, but on the second point the GOP is so horrendous
They could not BE more wrong.
They could have prevented this from happening and chose to use the fear of fascism as a campaign tactic instead of putting in any protections. I’d say that’s a pretty big failure to govern.
That’s the idea. Impeach him after 26. It’s in the article
Impeachment is the check against his power. It would be better to convict, but the democrats need to make the argument and convince the people that Trump should be held accountable. Get Republicans in the Senate and House on record supporting Trump’s crimes, and then beat them in the midterm elections.
Impeachment is how you win those elections. Rolling over and showing your belly is why Democrats keep losing before the fight begins.
In this moment impeachment is a waste of time. They would be better served (1) governing super well in places they are in charge (to demonstrate they are the better option - something that is inconsistent today); (2) figuring out why people are voting for Trump; (3) developing strong messaging and strategy to win races top to bottom of the ballot. I’ve been unimpressed with their ability to both run and govern recently (with some exceptions here and there). Maybe it is catching up with them.
In this moment impeachment is a waste of time.
Any time he’s focusing on that is time he’s not actively fucking shit up. Being obstructionist is what’s gotten the Republicans to the place they are now.
And he doesn’t get convicted and he’ll campaign on how nasty the Dems are. An impeachment without conviction is a “win”.
And that’s a stupid ass argument. If the Democrats can’t win that debate, then we need better candidates.
winning what? debates? you mean reasoning with a pigeon?
Are you new? You win by convincing people that you’re right and they should vote for you. You can’t do that if you never make the argument because it’s too hard to win.
I think impeachment makes him stronger, it gives him whining, hysterical liberals to point at. Oppose and resist him, but just by calling out his BS, not trying to give him a traffic ticket and failing.
the democrats need to make the argument and convince the people that Trump should be held accountable
The people don’t vote on impeachment. Convincing them won’t help.
Get Republicans in the Senate and House on record supporting Trump’s crimes, and then beat them in the midterm elections.
Oh you sweet summer child.
This is actually counterproductive, the more times we do it when it’s guaranteed to lose, the less likely it is to work.
The GOP had the votes to impeach biden. They didn’t because even they know it’s a stinker.
Unfortunately this is just a sign of how bad the US has gotten.
There have been impeachment attempts on Clinton, W Bush, Obama, Trump and Biden. Impeachment was supposed to be used to stop a president acting illegally but its just become another political weapon in the US capitol.
The US system is so unbelievably broken. It entirely depends on bipartisan support to get things done but things are now too polarised to function and the electoral system prevents 3rd parties access at any level.
The two parties have destroyed democracy. It could be fixed but it would need to start at the state levels with 3rd parties coming in and rebuilding the electoral system. But the 2 parties have even gerrymandered the constituencies so only the two parties can win.
Even other countries with first past the post systems have other viable political parties - look at the UK, Australia and Canada. Fptp is flawed and breed an replacing but the US version is next level for locking in the status quo.
Just an FYI, Australia doesn’t have first past the post, rather we have preferential and compulsory voting. We’re quite proud of it. An independent organisation creates voting districts which means gerrymandering is minimised
That sounds civilized and reasonable
I fear in the next US election people will vote with their guns
There actually was no impeachment attempt on W. Bush, Pelosi intentionally took it off the table.
Similarly there were no serious attempts on Obama or Biden either. Threats, definitely. Obama specifically was threatened with impeachment over military action in Libya without congressional approval, but then that became “WhY DiDn’t yOu dO AnYtHiNg aBoUt bEnGhAzI?”
No GOP backing, so this is meaningless theater.
Exactly. He’s been impeached twice and nothing happened. He should have been barred from office years ago. The entire process is nothing but political theatre for donors.
How many times did the magahats offer impeachment articles for Biden? The theater isn’t meant to be successful, but just a constant buzz for voters.
Gotta pretend they are doing something
Who exactly? Who is pretending they are doing something?? Is it democrats you’re accusing of pretending to do something?
How about maybe you try reading the article next time instead of chiming in with edgy nonsense.
It is a non partisan group called Free Speech for People. You’d have known that had you read the 1st paragraph of the article.
Oh. And while we’re on the subject of pretending… even if you were right and it is the democrats pretending- at least they pretended to do something. Because so many of you flat out admittedly did nothing.
And look what that got us.
Nothing news from an empty source.
Impeachment is irrelevant anymore
It’s a process. It is like filing charges against someone, and then the Senate holds the trial. The Senate found him not guilty. So there were no consequences.
Impeachment is pointless when the republican traitor filth control more than 1/3 of the senate. Suggest other solutions to dealing with trump.
Imagine trying to win over the electorate instead. That’d be crazy.
Only way it happens is if he does something so egregious a few GOP senators publicly state it’s time for him to go. These crimes so far are what these senators prolly get away with behind closed doors anyway so they ain’t gonna do shit.
He could rape their grandchildren live on CSPAN and they’d line up to lick his asshole and thank him for the honor.
They threatened him last time when he refused to sign tariffs on Russia, but things haven’t exactly improved as far as character of the senate GOP since.
It really comes down to if today is the day, as has never been, when 13 GOP break ranks with their party.
Impeachment has been of no consequence for more than half a century. Yet another demonstration that the US constitution is fucking idiotic.
It has a purpose but obviously it’s been misused in the last how ever many years. Now they kind of use it as a litmus test to see how much the media cares at any particular time.
What the fuck is impeachment anymore?
Growing up and learning Nixon resigned because he was impeached and made him look terrible I thought it was career ending. Like they’ll drag you out of the white house career ending.
Now it just feels like telling a toddler “NO!” but with no consequence when they keep going anyway.
“Surely, this time, impeachment will have consequences!”
Even if it passes, he will never be removed from office. There is no low that Trump can sink to where Republicans will not fall in lockstep with him. It’s pointless.
It gives Democrats something to campaign and fundraise on. Now you can FIGHT BACK by donating $25 to the Impeach Trump in 2025 Campaign.
FFS no. All it did the last two times was help him, because impeachment is basically impossible and he’s going to “win”.
Third time is the charm
Ah yes i remember these exact news at this time during his first term
Good. They should get rid of him by any means necessary.