Wait. Is he saying they could be LESS independent (than their current “tip” model)?
Surban mom.
Wait. Is he saying they could be LESS independent (than their current “tip” model)?
Finally. The Celebrity Death Match I’ve been waiting for.
I was worried that the GOP might have their shit together enough to inflict damaging policies on the country, but this is easing some of those fears. What a bunch of f*ck-ups.
JFC. What a horrible person.
Christmas Wrap by the Waitresses.
You know, as a kid I thought the bad guys in Captain Planet were a bit silly and over the top. How wrong I was…
Talk to your boss before your next shift - being proactive is key. Explain that you had a momentary blib of a reaction that embarrassed you and you left early. If your boss is anywhere near human, they will understand and offer guidance on what you can do if it ever happens again. Not that you owe your coworkers an explanation, but if you feel you need to address it, you can say something casual like, “sorry for the flip out yesterday, I’m not a great speller and can be embarrassed about it.”
This is a learning experience (albeit a terrible one). And if it makes you feel any better, anything I’m good at is because something terrible happened. I’m good at lots of stuff now. 😉
Hang in there!!
I’d be really curious about what is really means and how you manage or cope with it. If I knew you for a while it would be just another thing to file away about your personality. It probably is something you would share with people you are close to, but you may need to educate them on what it means.
That a bon fire was a “bomb” fire and therefore, very loud and very dangerous.
We hosted one while I was in college. He fit into our family well and we still stay in touch 20 years later.
Nothing scarier to a conservative than a liberal woman with a gun. I’m in.
Maybe… I depend on it for a bunch of stuff: my calendar, my personal and work email, communication with friends and family, getting my news, taking pictures of fun stuff I’m doing with my kids, reading books, grocery shopping, etc. During a recent power outage, I ended up going to a bookstore for a paper book, since that seemed to be the thing I missed most.
I currently work for a large corporation with one of the worst HR strategies I’ve ever seen. Their primary focus, as far as I can tell, is to prevent employees from suing the company. But here’s how it practically works out: It is really difficult to promote or get raises for high performers, which makes them a flight risk. That is coupled with it being equally difficult to remove low performers. It takes 6 months to get someone on a PIP, then another 6 months to go through the PIP process. Meanwhile the high performers have to pick up the slack without any extra comp. No one who is any good wants to work in that environment. So what you end up with is a death spiral of talent and increasingly worse products and services. I can’t get out of here fast enough.
Hitler had a portrait of Henry Ford in his office and regarded him as his inspiration (yikes!).