That sounds civilized and reasonable
I fear in the next US election people will vote with their guns
That sounds civilized and reasonable
I fear in the next US election people will vote with their guns
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They work for the same rich masters
Illegal raids without warrants.
Wonder when the first squad of Ice agents is going to get gunned down via castle doctrine?
They so desperatly want a hidden militia to come out of the woodwork and coup the country for them
Those people are either dead from covid, too old to fight for their coup, or are just LARPers and actually aren’t interested in dying for a con man.
What do you want after you’ve aquired everything legal and illegal you have ever wanted and the hole inside you is still empty?
The rich have a mental illness that can’t be reasoned with.
Anti intellectualism and submitting to fascist authority both align with machismo culture.
Moat of them have been trained from a very young age by their religious leaders to beleive anything without proof and that malice is the most effective and moral way to obtain dopamine.
It’s because they want to use the US to achieve world domination.
I wish I were kidding.
It should be legal to run the KKK over with your car
The Alt Right Pipeline depends on edgy immature people ironically saying edgy stuff for dopamine hits until they are effectively trained to repeat the edgy stuff unironically.
When they put away the dog whistles and just come out as evil fascists then it causes a lot of their supporters to have a “are we the baddies?” moment
Unfortunately nothing will meaningfully improve until the rich fear for their lives
Yeah those idiots are fascists who don’t actually have principles
MAGA wants to shoot all the minorities, the minorities want to protect themselves.
I know context is hard but you’ll figure it out someday
Trumps new head of the Department of Health, Robert Kennedy, has said he would like to create a list of every American citizen who takes HRT drugs or mental health meds and forcefully put them in labor camps to cure their mental illness.
Tell me how you protect yourself against that without a gun.
Guns aren’t evil if your government wants to kill you
As a democrat who still voted for Harris, i think it was the fact that Biden promised to be a 1 ter president, but the DNC didn’t want to run another primary because that would show how unpopular the neolibs in control of the party are, and they risk losing control of the party.
Men will double down on a fascist ideology to force women under the threat of state voilence to fuck them instead of going to therapy.
You are being trained to whine about fake problems
And about 10mil white/hispanic men who stayed home despite voting for a democrat in the last election.
I wonder when we’ll get a president who campaigns on doubling everyone’s lottery odds?
That’s not enough people, but we should definitely watch them