The Trump administration has canceled 90% of USAID’s foreign aid contracts, including critical programs that provide lifesaving therapeutic food to malnourished children.
Mana Nutrition’s CEO reports that ready-to-ship boxes of peanut paste that could save approximately 300,000 children are now stranded in a Georgia warehouse.
Despite Secretary of State Rubio’s claims that “lifesaving humanitarian assistance” would be spared, numerous essential health programs have been terminated, including those preventing diseases like polio, HIV, and Ebola.
These cuts contradict claims about targeting “wokeness” or “waste,” instead showing a reckless abandonment of America’s global humanitarian commitments.
These trash humans got where they are by not caring about anyone but themselves. Their fans are mainly made up of people just like them. Therefore nothing horrible they do will convince most of their followers.
These cuts contradict claims about targeting “wokeness” or “waste,” instead showing a reckless abandonment of America’s global humanitarian commitments.
How is this a contradiction? What did you think they meant?
Step 1: Get rid of USAID
Step 2: Cut all food stamps
Step 3: Most US farmers go out of bussiness
Step 4: Rich people buy up all farm land
Step 5: Food prices skyrocket due to monopolies and mismanagement and the rich get to become feudal lords.
Step 6: We feed the billionaires to the wood chipper and have French Revolution: American-style.
Woah, woah, woah, woah!
You can’t feed the billionaires to the wood chippers!
You gotta feed them to the pig farms so they finally do something useful with their worthless lives.
step 7: use wood chipper output as fertilizer for our crops in the community garden
I think in the interest of efficiency we need to just skip ahead to step 6.
Step 6 - Let 2/3 of the earth population die, replace most jobs with automation and AI. Keep the 1/3 of the population remaning as slaves and distraction. Enjoy the utlimate victory of capitalism.
2030 will be a fun year.
Cancelling contracts already in progress. The epitome of “efficiency”.
Yep, they’ll get the government sued and lose so much more money through litigation and actually losing the law suits.
But of course, they don’t care, for all their talk about deficits and taxes they know it’s not their money in the end.
Unless some genius lawyer manages to somehow make Musk personally liable, of course, because none of this Doge stuff looks set up properly, so if the US ever does get back to some sort of rule of law, people will get in trouble for breaking all sorts of laws.
Trump’s admin has already shown that you can’t really sue the federal government into compliance if there isn’t anyone to enforce it. Sure, those countries and companies and people can sue the US for breach of contract. The government will laugh in their face and not pay, simple as that. Trump literally made his millions doing exactly this.
It’s shocking to me that people have this notion of the judicial branch being magical wizards that can issue a sacred ruling that teleports bad guys to prison. That’s not even in their job description.
They interpret the law and the executive enforces it. If the executive doesn’t care to enforce their rulings then they might as well be running legal theory channels on YouTube
It just shows that efficiency isn’t what this is about. It’s about destruction.
Destruction Of Government Enterprise
Destruction is why Krasnov was selected.
Refusing to pay people and honor contracts has been Trump’s MO for decades.
In a lot of these cases, the money has already been paid for these contracts*. “Cutting” them isn’t even saving any money, because the money has already been spent.
I don’t think the title could be any more clickbaity.
“Musk’s purges suddenly take a horrific turn—and wreck an ugly MAGA lie”
<Unpopular person doing unpopular thing> causing <emotionally charged adjective> UNSPECIFIED event that <emotionally charged verb describing destruction> of <emotionally charged adjective> UNSPECIFIED lie of <unpopular movement [on lemmy]>
Yeah I had to downvote it on the principal of clickbait articles.
It’s the title of the article. The person posting the article here didn’t chose the article title. They could have found an alternative source with a better headline, but if we start doing that we’re going to miss out on some important news because some people are lazy or some news isn’t covered everywhere, I’m guessing.
US workers : I know it’s mighty easy to say from a distance, but now is the time for disobedience
The best time for protest and disobedience was weeks ago. The second best time is now.
Stay cool. It is going to hit the violent right wing especially hard. They will eventually figure it out since, in most cases, their people hold every positions of power from the dog catchers to the White house. The, “Hey look, something shiny over there”, will get old, even for those morons.
Elon “I love killing poor children” Musk
Considering his history as a white, South African, he probably is pretty delighted that he gets to make poor black babies starve there.
Not gonna change until it wrecks a few million maga lives.
If only the “pro-life” Trump voters actually cared about the lives of children.
They only care about the control using children as an excuse. Woman and abortion, privacy and csam ect.
“‘The unborn’ are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus, but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn.”
~David Barnhart
The only reason pro choice exists is because the republican party found the perfect groups to advocate for and against. It makes their constituents feel all warm and fuzzy to say they’re pro life, while they’re given an equally convenient group to hate. Trans people make up just slightly less than one percent of the US population and the odds of one of their constituents will actually meet a trans person are significantly lower than them meeting that nice middle class gay/black Christian protestant couple who sometimes invites them over for supper after church on Sundays.
The Dems should make some mention about this on the Sunday morning shows, if they were smart about it.
So what I’m hearing is that peanuts and vitamins are gonna be cheaper?
And all it costs is several thousand lives in countries most Americans couldn’t pick out on a map, and a bunch of anxiety for peanut farmers.
What a great deal. Nobody could have made a better, more Christ-like deal.
Also, they won’t be cheaper.
They will, but not for you.
But are they white American children?
They wouldn’t care about those either. The only children they seem to care about, are unborn.