I’m not saying they should, I was answering the question about why some people did. The DEA clearly uses the pressure people feel not to miss their flight.
I’m not saying they should, I was answering the question about why some people did. The DEA clearly uses the pressure people feel not to miss their flight.
People who haven’t done anything wrong and don’t want to miss their flight through arguing with the authorities would probably comply. They know there’s no drugs in their luggage, it’s the DEA.
The plural of mafioso is mafiosi.
Most of the time I don’t get bothered by typing/autofill errors in others’ posts. (My own often get edited several times.)
But some bring out my inner schoolmarm. I try to restrict my corrections to times when the error is confusing, or if I have a mnemonic that might be helpful. I bear in mind that this is an informal forum, but someone might want to be able to get it right when it matters.
Since I can’t afford to replace the tile our apartment came with, I got a set of vinyl floor mats and put rug gripper anti-skid pads underneath, the result being like anti-fatigue mats but not as tall, heavy, or ugly. They cover most of the areas I might possibly drop a dish and have already saved one casserole lid. They wipe clean and are easy to move to mop the tile. They won’t last forever but one day I’ll be able to do linoleum.
Also, nothing survives a drop to tile, ever. And you’re left trying to clean shards and sauce out of the grout. Fuck my tile.
Yes, I’m not sure why the doctor, who was aware of the pregnancy, either didn’t know it wouldn’t be covered or just wanted to push the plan and didn’t care. I’m guessing they’re a member themselves and a member of the religious group as well. Maybe their pregnancy was covered because it had been more than a year since they’d enrolled. That would be the most benign explanation.
My red and green this Christmas is fat sweet cherry tomatoes ripening in the sun on my balcony. I would love a little rain to ease the fire danger in the hills, but I had all the snow I need for life during college. It’s funny the snowy people who said they can’t even fathom green, if it weren’t white it would be brown, they’re right about their reality but you asked for a dream. I’m living the dream.
The other nice thing about being in Los Angeles at Christmas is that it’s quiet and there’s very little traffic, because so many people rushed off to visit the snow, either local skiing or far away.
(reading title) Wait, Trump’s trans? Do I need to use new pronouns? Is it really going to be “but her emails” again but for Donna Trump?
You’re a good sport.
So I know you won’t be mad if I add “whose.” The apostrophe in “who’s” replaces the i of “who is.”
Meanwhile, the point you were making is perfect.
You want them to go hiking?
Clearly someone needs to step up and start deepthroatfaking the fat old white dudes. For parity.
Maybe Biden should make Hunter ambassador to France for the rest of the year
So you’re saying you prefer incompetent fascist pigs etc? Okay, I can understand that opinion. Maybe they’ll hurt themselves in their confusion. OTOH, the incompetent bastards who stole babies from their families last time caused worse trauma by failing to keep accurate records, so more kids were able to be trafficked and more parents never found them again.
Elon is an egomaniacal Nazi idiot. But seriously, “pens”? He probably hasn’t touched a pen since gradeschool, and certainly didn’t use one for this. “Writes” is being generous,“rants” is probably more accurate. But imagine what the paper would have looked like if he had penned it. Illegible scrawl wandering over the page, full of scratch-outs and errors…all his insanity fully on display. Without the dignifying effect of corrected spelling and grammar and typeface, people would see the pure Unabomber-level madness it all is.
Same thing with Trump, his tweets are idiotic enough as it is, imagine if he had to actually write them out with a pen. Or those fat washable Crayola markers is more his style, so he could use colors for emphasis.