Hillary received the majority of the votes in the primaries. If the superdelegates had changed their votes to support Bernie instead, that would have been undemocratic.
Biden had a mathematically insurmountable lead when the primaries were canceled.
No. I’m saying they didn’t even have to do that because all these lazy motherfuckers complaining about the party don’t even get off their ass to try and change it.
And moreover, the “insiders” who control the party agent some mysterious cabal. They’re people who have been chosen to lead the party by the party. You change them by participating in primaries and (more importantly) local primaries.
Party leadership isn’t hatched from an egg. They climb the ranks over decades of party membership. The Clinton’s weren’t formed from the ether in 1992. They’d been involved in the party for decades before they were known nationally.
You select the people to lead the party in the future at the local level. You can’t just magic them into existence by doing jack-all but complaining every 4 years that they didn’t listen to what you weren’t telling them.