If Trump backs down on the tariffs, Canada should only back down halfway. Make it clear there are permanent consequences every time he fucks with the world economy on a whim.
If Trump backs down on the tariffs, Canada should only back down halfway. Make it clear there are permanent consequences every time he fucks with the world economy on a whim.
People don’t have to be part of an organized, traceable resistance when everyone has guns and the targets aren’t military in nature.
United Healthcare lost its CEO to a random dude lone gunman while he was walking down the street.
The idea is to make everybody a potential threat to those who abuse power. But one side of the political spectrum decided that guns are bad and disarmed themselves, so 90% of the guns are owned by fascists.
They probably have truly damning evidence of something. Like video of him with a child prostitute, or evidence of him being involved in a murder.
Refusing to pay people and honor contracts has been Trump’s MO for decades.
Tanks, jets, and rocket launchers are good against other armies. They’re pretty shitty against anonymous civilians. It’s why the US lost in Iraq and Afghanistan.
And in the US, the civilians would have 2 other advantages:
They had word of mouth AND the difficulty of getting a film made and distributed. That meant very few movies existed. It’s easier to stand out in a small crowd.
Now anybody with a phone can film and distribute. Marketing is more important for getting your idea in front of people than anything else these days.
The better solution is targeted rolling medium-ter. boycots of specific companies/products that we won’t realistically drop entirely.
Roll between boycots of Amazon, Walmart, etc for month each to impact their quarterly reports and fuck up their stocks.
There’s lots of “I bought this before I knew he was crazy” variants out there.
But if you’re really committed and want to design something unique, I’ll laser engrave it on something for you for free. I can do plastics, wood, and metal that can be attached with glue or magnets. Or I can laze a template for you if you’d like to paint it on.
May I suggest a bumper sticker indicating you don’t support him or the company any longer?
Trump is still important. He’s the person at the center of the cult they’ve built their power on.
That’s literally a threat to their sovereignty.
They should say “fuck that”, block Meta, and seize all his European assets until he falls in line.
Lots of things like grey hair, moving more slowly, injuries that I would have bounced away from before instead hurting for weeks or months.
But the one that hit hardest was a breakup I had a little while back. She was the love of my life and I fully intended to marry her, and when she ended it out of nowhere I was sad, but fine. She dumped me, and it sucked, but I also needed to finish a staff report for a Planning and Zoning Commission meeting that night. So I moved on.
The thing that upset me most was that I wasn’t that upset. There was a time in my life when I would have been a mess. But as I’ve aged, my emotions have become more regulated.
I miss being capable of that level of joy and pain.
A President can pardon federal criminal convictions. He can’t erase civil liability if people personally sue Musk.
The FAA’s diversity hiring programs under Biden were the same as they were under Trump.
Until they shut it down, Buzzfeed News had become one of the better news organizations.
When the average voter doesn’t give a damn either way while someone else cares deeply, but only in one direction, it makes the minority the most important demographic.
Let’s say you have a choice between “A” and “1”, and 98% of people don’t care. But 2 percent care deeply and will vote based on the superiority of “A”, while nobody votes based on their support of “1.”
All else being equal, if one pay ignores the issue while the other adopts the platform of “A is great, and 1 is bad”, the latter party will win the election.
That’s how the GOP wins elections. They target single-issue voters: Gun nuts. Pro-lifers. Racists. Christian Nationalists. Relatively small groups that vote in lockstep without a significant equivalent group on the other side of the issue.
Sure: most people are pro-choice. But how many pro-choice Democrats would have changed their vote if Trump and Harris had opposite positions than reality on those issues but were otherwise identical? I certainly wouldn’t have voted for Trump over it. But pro-life voters absolutely will change based on that single issue.
It’s why every single time the Dems make that a central issue, they get slaughtered in the general election. Pro-choice Republicans simply don’t prioritize the right to choose over everything else, so they keep voting red.
The Republicans are masters of finding and manufacturing single-issue voting groups that will vote against their own interests to achieve a goal the GOP doesn’t actually care about.
He’s the only President to never reach 50% approval, yet he’s been elected twice.
That’s all the evidence you need to know that our election system is broken.
Yes, it’s bad.
But we’ve already had some small judicial pushback, and from Republican judges.
We need to throw wrenches into every gear we can for 2 years, and it’s going to suck, but we can get there.
Though what’s neat politically (and horrible socially), is the stuff he can do is the sort of thing that will result in severe economic consequences. That’s the number 1 indicator of how the next election will turn out. Trump and the GOP are lighting fire to their own rope right now.
There’s enough GOP senatorial seats up for re-election in 2026 that if he fucks up bad enough he and Vance could be removed from office in January 2027, giving the Dems the White House and the ability to pack the Court before his term is even half-finished.
I don’t think the GOP will give him enough rope to do that to their party.
The ruling is that he can’t be prosecuted for official acts. Not that he can do them.
He can order the moon to reverse its orbit without getting in trouble, but the moon doesn’t have to obey.
The biggest power he has is over the administrative state. Lots of executive agencies create regulations because of power granted to those agencies by Congress. Things like the FAA, EPA, FTC, SEC, ATFE, etc. A President can fuck up all those regulations.
But what Trump is already running into is the fact that his power doesn’t extend to overturning items passed by the legislature. His birthright citizenship order didn’t last a day. A judge has already thrown out the freeze because Congress pases budgets, not the executive.
He couldn’t overturn the ACA last time around because it was a law passed by the legislature. Even though he controls the ATF and can control some of their interpretations, he can’t declare machine guns and silencers legal because the NFA is a law passed by Congress.
And even his power over the administrative state is in some danger because over the overturn of Chevron deference last year that allows judges to ignore the opinions of administrative agency holdings.
It’s not Trump you’re negotiating with with that kind of strategy. It’s the GOP.