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Saikat Chakrabarti, AOC’s former chief of staff, thinks the Democrats need a bolder vision.
Pelosi has been in congress for 36 years. To put this in perspective, that’s longer than I’ve been voting. Time to retire.
To put it further in perspective, Nancy Pelosi isn’t a boomer. She’s silent generation.
Needs to be updated. Gen Alpha is 2013-2024 and Gen Beta is 2025-current.
The other generations listed cover anywhere from 15 to 28 years. Why would gen alpha only be 11 years?
Have to ask Mark McCrindle.
I’m sure if you let them know, the folks at wikipedia will get on that. Have they changed the dates of the Silent Generation?
Stick to Chinese astrology or the Mayan calendar, at least they’re entertaining.
Why are generation labels getting closer together in time?
Greatest generation- 26 years
Generation Alpha - 13ish?
I can’t find a good summary and am not in any way an expert in this field. But I think these generations are technically based on defining events in the world and likely common experiences more than a close tie to biological generations. If you look at the page for the Silent Generation wiki page there is some explanation of that.
TL;DR it’s all very loosey goosey.
No matter, your view on her, it really is time to retire, she is 84.
It was time to retire 20 years past. It’s time to give back all the money she stole from her communities with all the insider trading bullshit.
Meh, I know I’m in the minority here, but I’d rather it was based on merit and policy positions.
I DGAF about someone’s age as long as they are still fit and they have the right policies. Assuming someone like AOC stays in until she’s 84 and shows no sign of moving to the right and no sign of slowing down?
Going forward, I think we will very likely have even OLDER politicos than we do now, assuming breakthroughs on slowing down aging, even age reversal. Of course, that assumes that Bronzo the Clown and fElon and Brainwormz don’t completely break our system of innovation and healthcare. But if it doesn’t happen here, it will happen in other countries…so I don’t think the ageism we see right now will itself age all that well…
Assuming someone like AOC stays in until she’s 84 and shows no sign of moving to the right and no sign of slowing down?
Just imagine how many rail union strikes she could vote to prevent in all that time!
I’d rather we judge on mental capacity and not on physical age (so that in theory wisdom is not lost), but there is something to be said for giving someone else a chance to drive the car.
Yeah, it’s not just mental capacity, her decisions right now no longer will affect her. We should have a younger people whose these policies will also impact.
Saikat Chakrabarti, AOC’s former chief of staff, thinks the Democrats need a bolder vision.
Fuck yes they do!
The message that could be sent by a champagne to kick NP out could start a left wing movement.
This is going to be a California Bubbly at best though. But they can be tasty too.
The Democrats need a vision, period.
Vision? How about we start with a pulse?
All these fucking useless Democratic leaders are so selfish. You’ve failed and failed over and over again, miserably, yet you still insist on trying to lead? Do the right thing. Step down. Quit. It’s truly disgusting how they’ve strangled their party and country with their incompetence.
Kick her the fuck out. Kick all the useless democrats out. Fuck all of them. They lost. They’re done. Go the fuck away.
Surprising New Primary Challenger
That’s not that surprising. I was hoping it was like a golden retriever or something.
Natural progression of the Air Bud series.
Nothing in the Constitution says a dog can’t be speaker of the house!
SF is incredibly liberal, I could absolutely see Nancy losing and finally being forced to retire. Just gotta get people out to vote during the Primary.
Pelosi was elected when she was 41-42. Saikat Chakrabarti is 39, so only a couple years younger than when Pelosi was put into Congress. This is the perfect time for her to be forced to retire.
SF is incredibly liberal
It really isn’t. Local politics in SF has long been a struggle between property developers and tech bros versus community-based groups. Pelosi, like Feinstein and Newsom, are from the corporate faction. And San Francisco has, over the past few decades, been changing into a theme park for trustafarians and high-tech drones, as artists, musicians and other interesting people have been priced out.
Good! Fuck that old hag
Much like the appeasers that enabled Hitler, history is going to look back on Pelosi, Schumer, Kamala, Biden, Obama, Clinton, Jefferies, and other democrats who stood by and let all this happen on their watch without so much as a wimper.
Back when Pelosi was pushing the Affordable Care Act she came on KQED and railroaded the host, basically just ignored all the questions to deliver the party line. I was bruh this is your home base and acted like it was hostile territory.
Pelosi has been a huge fundraiser and leader for the Democrats, but might as well live on planet Mars when it comes to understanding working class people, even in the Bay Area.
We need a leadership vacuum in the Democratic Party to even hope of changing anything significantly.
Pelosi has been a huge fundraiser and leader for the Democrats
One reason why Cori Bush and Jamal Bowman got the old heave-ho. Pelosi has been instrumental in bankrolling Congressfolk like Henry Cuellar and Richie Torries while undermining candidates like Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar. Her leadership has largely lead to the current moment in Democratic Party Politics, with a handful of insiders growing obscenely rich while the rank-and-file voters are told to suck eggs every time their favorite legislation fails.
We need a leadership vacuum in the Democratic Party to even hope of changing anything significantly.
The real leadership of the democratic party is within the donor class. Women like Nancy get to hold the gavel, but its the Gettys and the Buffets and the Thiels who ultimately hold the power.
That’s not surprising. The left has been looking for someone capable of primarying her for years.
Hopefully a win can gain the democrats some momentum. Pelosi has been around way too long.
Fucking ghoul looks cel shaded.
Borderlands 4 villian confirmed.
She going to be another Feinstein?