That seems to be his appeal, if you can believe that. He serves as validation for a specific type of degenerate lifestyle I think moreso than his views.
That seems to be his appeal, if you can believe that. He serves as validation for a specific type of degenerate lifestyle I think moreso than his views.
Gerrymandering didn’t win Trump the White House. American voters did. At least learn to be mad at the right thing FFS. Gerrymandering at the federal level in the US affects the House of Representatives. The electoral college is what put Trump in the white House. But he won the popular vote too.
Think this through. At what point do things get better if we don’t start changing how we do things now? What do you prefer to do, and/or suggest as a solution, if those two things are not one and the same?
I did think it through. What have you thought throu that convinced you that appealing to the better angels of their nature in just the right way is somehow the solution. There are 2 broad outcomes here. 1. The fascists just outright win. None of Trump’s incompetence matters, he just keeps plowing forward, and wins. After he does someone else takes over. 2. Things get bad enough fast enough for enough people that change is forced. In America , poor people caring about things isn’t enough. Rich people have to lose money for anything to happen AND things have to get back enough for everyone else that Americans stop sleepwalking and start paying attention in a way that Congress can’t ignore.
Among these outcomes, 2 is the hopeful one. The best case scenario. Good luck.
That damage is incoming and clutching your pearls over my comment isn’t going to change that.
Bloodthirsty? Lol. You guys are hilarious. Those old people are getting exactly what they voted for. Asking for pity from abroad is futile and utterly pathetic. What I outlined is literally the shortest through this madness, probably with the least total damage. That you find that reality distasteful is irrelevant.
The solution is not to exclude, but to understand what got us here and start doing the work,
The solution is entirely beyond you. There is no combination of words or actions you can take that will make commited non-voters give a shit. The only way past this now goes through an era of suffering.
It’s fine dude, Trump tweeted threats against any country that tried to get off the USD has the global reserve currency so therefore it definitely won’t happen. Or something.
Then fucking do it. 1/3rd if eligible voters made an active choice to not vote despite the choices never being more obvious. They chose not to matter. I’m just respecting their choice. Why can’t you?
Many of those people who could’ve voted but didn’t believed the lie that their vote doesn’t matter. Does that make them stupid? Gullible? Irresponsible? Perhaps. Does it mean they understand and support what’s happening? No it doesn’t.
Does any of that make those people matter? No it doesnt. They chose to not matter by not voting. I’m respecting their choice. Not sure why you won’t.
Our education system has been decaying for decades. We are fucking FLOODED with propaganda. Our very voting system is heavily rigged against us. Sure, we could’ve done better, and should’ve done better. But I think it’s monstrous to imply that an entire population deserves the horrors of fascism.
Yeah that’s cool but asking me, a Canadian, to give a shit about this when your mess is about spill over the border is asinine.
Do you know what you guys have done? People like me used to wish the best for Americans. I wished that Americans would finally figure out universal health care and education funding so that the immense wealth of America could benefit more of its people. Now I wish that Trump moves to quickly gut social security and tank the US economy, because I know that rich people losing money in the presence of a lot of angry poor people is the only way Americans will fix this for themselves.
He’s still one heart attack away from the big chair .
Are there leople that support this, sure. But it’s a minority of people, 30% is not the majority.
This percent is meaningless. People who could have voted but didn’t literally do not matter. Most American voters wanted this .
A lot of the damage this time around is generational. One or two sane administrations after this (which itself seems unlikely) can’t fix the breaking of long-standing institutions and the massive loss of institutional knowledge.
Plus that and a lot of the other stuff people are suggesting are single-use weapons. We can only do them once. Be wary of using such measures so early into this.
How does that actually work with Musk and his merry band of douchebags in direct control of the mechanism by which the US government pays out money?
You’re not creating more stick, but you’re making the stick longer. The pressure wave in the stick will travel at the speed of sound in the stick which will be faster than sound in air, but orders of magnitude slower than light.
Everything has some elasticity. Rigidity is an illusion . Things that feel rigid to us are rigid in human terms only.
It fits on with what I thought would happen when all the genocide Joe people were insisting things couldn’t get worse. Netanyahu has a direct interest in involving the US as deeply as possible into his conflict (yes it can get deeper) while maintaining a stranglehold on US politics . Ultimately this is a short term play. He helped Trump win , but Trump is destabilizing the US to the extent that long-term Israel is going to lose its one absolute ally.
I actually don’t think Trump will endorse Musk either but I could be wrong .
If that were true you would have listed some.
Many citations needed. Or is all of that just your opinion provided without reasoning?
They don’t hold that power. If they step out of line Trump and Elon will berate them on Twitter and set their followers after them. If they still don’t fold they’ll “mention” their family members in the tweets. They will play ball. This is them pretending to have free will, not them actually having any .