Fucking of course he did. Jesus christ.
This is why I say that the DNC is fully dead. AOC and the rest of the young progressives in Congress need to just get with Sanders and straight up found a new party. This is so fucking dumb.
Hey hey, it’s not fully dead, it just has terminal cancer.
Founding a new party would make them Jill Stein. Nobody wants more Jill Stein.
Those of you with Dem congressmen, write in and tell them you want AOC. They’re the ones responsible for this shit. Don’t make dumb threats about the general, but you can absolutely consider primaries. Your vote goes farther in the primary. That’s where the difference can be made.
He says, after the Dems just had a presidential candidate that did not even run in the primaries.
No, a new party is 100% the way to go, though it shouldn’t be hostile to the dems, e.g. not running for president until they have more congressman and senators then the Dems to avoid splitting the vote.
I would straight up call it “the New Democratic Party” or similar. I wouldn’t even necessarily try to make a massive shift towards the progressive direction. Instead, design it so that it would be very easy for existing Democratic politicians to jump ship to the new party. Make it an equally large tent, and just serve as a one-to-one replacement of the existing party. Once the Old Democratic Party is dead and buried, then debates can be had about what direction to move the party politically. Instead, the main change would be structural reforms, reforms that would serve to allow the party to move in new ideological directions in the future.
I would make the New Democratic Party like the old one, except with a few key structural reforms that will prevent the dysfunction of the Old Democratic Party. Some possible reforms I can think of:
No politician may run under the New Democratic Party banner while accepting corporate campaign dollars.
Every nominee must have a full and competitive primary every single cycle, regardless of incumbency.
Any party leader that holds a leadership role during a losing election will be ineligible to serve in party leadership for the next ten years. (True electoral accountability among leadership.)
No system of committee appointments or positions within the party may be assigned based on seniority. Every position from top to bottom must be competitive. This is the DEMOCRATIC party. We don’t do inherited royalty here.
Various reforms to greatly diminish the power of political consultants.
A vice president is ineligible to be the party’s presidential nominee for at least 8 years after the end of their VP term. (Kill off the “it’s their turn” idea once and for all.)
In other words, in software terms, this would be a hard fork of the Democratic Party. It wouldn’t be an entirely new party that has to build a completely new base and tradition from scratch. It would simply be a new version of the existing party built with a few crucial reforms that will prevent the kind of sicknesses that currently plague the existing Old Democratic Party. The actual formal legal structure of the party would be entirely new, but it would be designed so that any existing Democratic politician could easily jump ship to the new version as long as they’re willing to agree with these few crucial structural reforms. It would essentially be stealing the party right out from under the existing DNC.
Money. You need the DNC money. It’s easier than more fundraising. Like activating voters instead of switching them. Make your life easier.
The importance of money is greatly exaggerated. I think it’s clear by now that there is such a thing as saturation when it comes to political ad spending. By the time you’ve already spent $500 million to bombard the eyeballs in everyone in the country, what good does the next $500 million really do? Democrats managed to outspend Republicans in both 2024 and 2016. Dems collect way more money than they need and then waste most of it.
Don’t disagree. But splitting the party AND having the uphill battle of raising against both sides… Ross Perot didn’t do it the Bernie way…
Ahhh, never mind. I had a strange idea that clinging to the carcass of the democratic party failed. No idea where I got that from. Looking forward to all the improvements the next 4 years will bring the US, since DNC money made life easier.
🤷 yeah… been thinking through solutions for 30 yrs now… hmu when u got this
I kinda solved it at birth by not being born in the US, but I wish you good luck.
You’re only Jill Stein if you don’t actually try to form a real political party. Such a new party would actually attempt to be a real party, gunning for seats up and down the ballot in every election. The Greens just grift at the top of the ticket every four years.
That’s why Pelosi chose them, specially over AOC. She’s the other side of the US oligarchy, the one that’s ok with the slice of cake they have now and don’t want to push the US into a complete dictatorship just to try to get more. She’s one of the people in the democratic party that’s most abusing federal insider trading and conflicts of interests.
Seriously. She’s just a smarter oligarch than Trump. She’s smart enough to realize that keeping a flawed and corrupt democracy is better than no democracy at all. She realizes there’s no real point in having wealth if you and yours have to live in some totalitarian shithole. And also, wealth tends to be very vulnerable to arbitrary confiscation in authoritarian regimes. Trump is an oligarch, but he’s just stupid and prideful enough to think that he and his will always remain at the peak of the pyramid, and that autocracy will work in his favor.
She’s smart enough to realize that keeping a flawed and corrupt democracy is better than no democracy at all.
Playing Jenga with my democracy, smugly certain I won’t be the one who pulls the last block.
She’s one of the ones we need to eat imo
He is smart in that sense. He will be dead and gone. If he ever did love anyone he’ll be sure to tell them fuck you, too, because the man hasn’t felt joy since maybe being a small child.
She is smart enough to make sure the democracy remains flawed and corrupt.
Pelosi and all other geriatric politicians need to retire
more like these scammers should be jailed. only good thing that trump would do in his presidency is to send doj after them, but pelosi might already have made a deal with him.
He’s also recently announced that he’s undergoing chemotherapy for esophagus cancer, which has a very low survival rate. It’s bad enough that the DNC will only allow corrupt geriatrics to hold the levers of power, but could they at least have found one that wasn’t actively dying?
The new and improved democratic party is back in business everyone!
Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
Eat my ass Nancy Pelosi
I hope she trips again, and this time, never gets up again.
It should be illegal to own stocks as a Senator.
Honestly, at this point we just need to dissolve the US in its entirety. I no longer believe it can be saved. We need to grant all 50 states full independence. They can then come back together and form whatever new nation or nations they want. The existing union is broken beyond all repair. It can no longer be salvaged.
I like where your head is at, but that’s a terrible idea that will just lead to all the Red States going full jihad on “others”
A bit dramatic there.
Biden could premptively pardon every American for choosing to secede if they want to and we can just end it now with no repercussions or violence.
ETFs should be fine, individual stocks not.
And even ETF purchases and sales should be declared a week in advance or sth.
I like the idea you’re going for but it’s not sufficient.
- ETFs can have narrow holdings, or be actively managed
- other investments like mutual funds can have wide holdings and be passively managed
- an appropriate trust can take the person out of decision making for his holding without giving them up
An improvement on my original idea then:
A congressional trust that any representative can pay into, that is only allowed to invest in wide US-based index funds (or it could build its own index fund) or US bonds, etc. Basically: Allow them to invest in the future of the country they’re managing. Don’t limit it to only politicians, either. Let everyone invest if they want.
Phew, can you imagine these guys winning the presidency?
Wait… they’re the good ones!?
On top of being 74 and one month fresh off a throat cancer diagnosis…
He announced it the day after he won the election, it would be a huge coincidence if that’s the day he received, he more likely just his it from voters…
Fucking hope motherfucker dies screaming. The Democratic Party is done.
So an unsurprising pick for the “good” party.
Sounds like a perfect match for that shithead pelosi.
You couldn’t write this and have someone think it was realistic.
What the actual fuck DNC? Pelosi? Corrupt pieces of shit just protecting themselves
You know I thought it was low effort cringe when I first heard “demacrips and rebloodpicans” in a body count song, but Im starting to like it more by the day
Why do you think he was Pelosi’s pick? lmao, that evil greedy power hungry bitch
Would you people be done with this group of inept septuagenarians called the DNC. Pluck out a liberal from 30-40 years ago and show them everything their going to lose and they would puke in their mouth. It’s the same people that have virtually given our government away since Reagan. They fucking suck at this, be done with the DNC and don’t give me any two party bullshit. What you have is one party where they both desperately drive you into the others arms. There won’t be a two party system moving forward. Mark my words, we are done with free and fair elections.
I would describe it differently. They aren’t inept, and they are skilled at getting exactly what they’ve gotten. Their system is working exactly as they hoped it would.
I don’t give them that much fucking credit. I do believe they are cretins but I also believe they are really bad at what they do.
Pluck out a liberal from 30-40 years ago and show them everything their going to lose and they would puke in their mouth.
Those liberals are still running things.
I’m gonna vote so much harder now. /s
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