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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2023


  • It’s hilarious how you talk about how simple and easy it all is when you quite clearly have no idea what you’re talking about.

    Everything you listed, the Republicans are guilty of by a far larger margin. The difference is that dems were talking about two state solutions while Trump quite literally was telling Bibi to turn Gaza into a goddamn parking lot. (And that’s just the most obvious clue you’re saying nothing of value lol)

    I especially enjoyed you attempting to mount your high horse after this piss-poor attack by mentioning the break in TOS when the OP is talking in general and is not attacking a single person. It’s okay to say “people who think x, or do y are dumb”.

    If anything, you’re the one breaking TOS:

    • Do not engage in name callingad hominem attacks, or any other uncivil behaviour. Criticize ideas, never people.

    You using the threat of TOS can be seen as ad hominem as a way to delegitimize the comment you replied to.

  • Is it the dems fault for calling reps what they are (and, news flash, have been for a long time)? Or is it your fault for allowing the reps to normalize fascism in your mind to the point it’s no longer a valid point?

    For the record she did a fuck ton of campaigning and spent more time speaking with actual voters than the media and whatnot, she laid out detailed plans but no, it was because she spoke reality that Donny is a bad man and wants to do bad things. Was she not supposed to say anything about him at all? Not allowed to speak on the greatest threat to American democracy ever?

    You the voter hold responsibility here as well. Oh but you got bored of being scared of fascism and now full-on fascism is here.

  • So if that’s true then why did nobody buy Callisto protocol then? If it’s not about deadspace but instead about EA being greedy, then why did one of the original deadspace devs go and make their own legally distinct version of deadspace with a big budget and a brand new studio — just to see it fall on its face and fail?

    Maybe the market isn’t interested at the moment as they’ve already turned their nose up at DS remakes from EA as well as spiritual successors from the original DS devs??

    Oh, but EA can’t market add-on content? As if DLC story and new modes doesn’t exist?? You seriously think EA is incapable of developing DLC and charging money for it???

  • It’s an old series that has already tried remakes that failed and the original creator went and made their own deadspace but as a totally distinct IP and it too did not sell well….

    But yes, EA can’t manipulate kids into gambling so that is totally the reason why they aren’t renewing the series…. Yeah it’s about tricking children into to gambling and totally not investing in something the market has clearly shown to be not interested in at the moment.

    Lastly, yeah, EA is a piece of shit for using mtx and the like to trick people in general into chasing bullshit, but I think it doesn’t help anyone to regurgitate unrelated claims whenever possible.

    When they’re pushing lootboxes into kid games, then cry about it there. This has nothing to do with that.

  • People are sick of remakes, remasters and endless sequels over original content, so EA says okay (given that their last deadspace was a remake that didn’t sell well), and now we have the other side of the pendulum where everyone’s up in arms because they didn’t renew an existing series that has seen a long term drop in interest and revenue….

    Why is anybody even remotely surprised