“No, he’s not going to be president, that I can tell you,” Trump said. “And I’m safe. You know why he can’t be? He wasn’t born in this country.”
As you know a true leader has to keep saying they’re the real leader
‘He’s not going to be president’
Too late, Trump has been purchased.
Listen to his “ahaha” at the end
He had to say he’s “safe”? Lol wat
Sounds like donvict is worried.
Sounds like something a secure man says.
Something something not a true king.
- Tywin Lannister
I really want to see a press conference were a journalist asks if he has cleared that with Elon. Or just ask him what Elon’s opinion is on some random thing.
you’ve heard of RINO and DINO, now meet the diaper-wearing, spray painted PINO.
Bitch, he co-owns your stupid ass.
Kind of, right? No doubt Elon is a career criminal, just not charged. Yet. The greedy folk occasionally take their own down, too. If Elon isn’t paranoid about that, he should be.
That’s the point right? Elon doesn’t need to be or want to be president, he just needs to call one up and say “bitch, change this dumbass law or I pull the plug on your media and financing” and then w/e president he just called does the thing.
Why do the work and be public when you can brainfart an order at 7:30pm after dinner and 2 weeks later some gears roll in favor of your cocaine dream.
“bitch, change this dumbass law or I pull the plug on your media and financing” and then w/e president he just called does the thing.
So he calls Putin and says his PAC needs another round of funding?
Elon is to tRump like the Emperor was to Vader.
Our media is so stupid. The world’s richest man just bought the whole federal government and the MSM reaction is “Ooh, maybe there’s gonna be drama!”
Sane-washing was the wrong word for what the media does with Trump. It’s more like reality-TV-washing. It makes everything he does seem like a TV show that’s not real, and they never talk to or about the real people who are harmed by poorly run government. When was the last time the MSM talked to or about the struggles of a homeless person, someone living in the ghetto, or an immigrant trapped in a broken system? But they talk to and about Elon Musk every fucking day. They’ve spoken more to Elon Musk about immigration than to all (other) immigrants combined.
The media isn’t right-wing or left-wing, it’s entertainment-wing. It’s just a reality TV soap opera focused on characters and personalities, not informing people. We should stop pretending it’s a source of information, the MSM is a source of entertainment.
This is why not everything should be profit-driven.
LOL, it’s working. Donvict is getting quite annoyed at doge dipshit stealing the spotlight…
It’s been kinda obvious from the beginning that Elon Musk is Donald Trump’s Grand Vizier.
And we all know how THOSE stories go.
But who’s the poor street urchin inadvertently roped into the vizier’s evil schemes?
An evil grand vizier whispering into the ear of the already-evil king.
…but he’s the superior businessman?
Thats how america works Mr trump. This was your idea.
How much money did President Musk pay Vice President Trunp to cover for him like that?
Trumps presidency and “The Elon giveth, and the Elon taketh away” approach.
Maybe we could amend the constitution to allow all citizens the same exact rights including being able to become president?
That would be kind of cool.
While we’re making wishes, I’d amend it to introduce a direct initiative.
Ted Cruz was born in Canada and clearly ran for United States President in 2016. I remember.
But notably Cruz was born to US citizens, therefore he was a citizen. Musk’s parents were not US citizens so therefore Musk is not a natural born citizen. Cruz can run, musk can not
Musk got a bill shut down in congress and replaced with one he liked in under a day, I’m not so sure if amending the constitution to allow him to be elected is beyond his reach at this point. it would probably require buying a few democrats also but I bet fetterman and a few others would be happy to join the winning team for the right price.
Amending the constitutional is a much higher bar than people think it is. You’d need way more than just a fetterman here or there. Keep in mind still had 38 republicans vote against his and Trump’s second version of the bill
It requires 2/3 of congress, and 3/4 of state legislatures
Assuming he loses zero republicans, this you would need:
67 in the senate meaning you’d need 14 dem senators
290 in the house of representatives meaning you need 70 dem reps
And in state legislatures, he’d need 38 of them to ratify. Republicans only have a trifecta in 23 (it’s unclear if governors can veto ratification or not), they have both state legislatures in 28, and it’s split in Alaska, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and we’ll see about Minnesota with some legal challenges.
If we assume no governor vetos nor any republicans going against it, that’s 28. Then let’s imagine in those split states you convince them all, that’s 33. Keep in mind each state has its own list of people you’d need to convince, not just one person here
Then in the other 5 you’d have to be talking about states with dem trifectas where it’s hardly going to be politically popular to bend to Musk
You would need on the order of at minimum of 100+ dems in congress and state legislatures to pull that off assuming governors don’t veto / ruled that they aren’t able to. And also assuming that all republicans go for it at all levels of government, and that dems in other states with republican legislatures don’t use procedural tactics to slow down ratification, etc.
That is correct, but let us not also forget the fact of Cruz’s birth when he now supports Trump, a major figurehead of the birther movement against Obama and the absolute irony of that. This movement claimed that Obama was not eligible to be President because they falsely claimed he was born in Kenya. Not only was he born in Hawaii, not Kenya, but his mother is and has always been a US Citizen, making him a naturally born citizen. So the his place of birth doesn’t matter, just as it doesn’t matter that Cruz actually WAS born abroad.
Also, they are getting rid of birthright citizenship, right?
Fuck off Ted back to Cuba.
(Not gonna happen ^^^right ^^^away, but it would be interesting)
Ted’s dad was born in Cuba
Heard from a credible source he also killed JFK!