Gotcha. Context is not usually one of my driving factors.
Gotcha. Context is not usually one of my driving factors.
I got bone spurs though.
A demented evil orange piece of shit? Like some sort or rapist nazi pedo asshole? That?
…by Wednesday!
Hey! That’s tomorrow!
We should make 10 nukes and retire all armed forces. Then we just tell the world… We got 10 solutions to your problem. And just focus on getting more of those nukes up in space. That should make enough money to pay for social security, back rubs and happy endings. Probably toss in some NPR and educational funding.
But hopefully he waits until the 4 years term is done. I gotta agree with the other guy who pointed out that vans is basically a nazi but unlike trump, vans would probably not care about “coming out” and doing what nazis do.
Are they going to bring out the coolaid so we can all move on with our lives or whatever is still functionally left?
Zelensky didn’t need to be made humble. Clearly he is and is only in power at this point for the sole reason to overcome the ruzzian invasion.
Trump embarrassed everyone who watched. It’s like watching a human do something disgusting and realizing it was disgusting without knowing anything else about humans.
Department Of Greddy Elon Asshole Spy…DOGEAS
I watched it for the purpose of resistance.
Its time for walk outs, marches and demonstrations like the 50 50 1 thing…March 4th at every capitol.
Kind of like Saddam out of the smokey moldy hole. Or phak face with the black hawk helicopters and the sea burial. Not a lot of fun awaits assholes. Other assholes should pay attention. Let’s all see where this shit show ends. I hope I don’t end up as soap. But if I do please let it be some really hot Lady in need of special attention. Hey my lipids are high quality! Why would you just waste the heat. I think at this point I would love for a Republican to slip up and show us the furnaces were they plan to burn us naked and alive.
Does anyone remember if Hitler was partying and traveling much after his retirement?
Let’s make more cancer! More diesel trucks please!
Montana… The land of the fucking retarded. They have successfully eliminated all retarded assholes. Now they only got the fucking retarded assholes left.
That should be illegal… Lol.
They keep finding brown citizens instead.
…shit! Where’s the nukulier button? You know? …sir, you fired the only people who knew…call them back! …sir we don’t have their phone number or email!
I’m totally fine with my family having a random composition of names. It would be awesome to come up with a new last name for the kids for example. If we need me, just let me know…
What the ACTUAL fuck! Whenever he gets sentenced by a judge to be tied to a pole on a trailer so anyone can kick in the balls, I’m gonna be ready!