I didn’t see Dolly on this list.
I didn’t see Dolly on this list.
Wish this would work, it wouldn’t. When your company is 95% on the opposite side of your views, you just become the crazy person. The whispers begin, then the group jabs, then the outcast etc etc. You know you’re the sane one, but that’s not how the majority thinks of you.
I thought those crosses or flowers on the side of the road were where they buried the person who died in an accident.
How could he possibly not? How could people look at him and think he wouldn’t? The dude FUCKING looks like some sort of evil villain. That or a Dollar Tree Beavis.
I knew about this years ago. You knew about it. Our neighbors knew about. But still we gotta go through this wishy washy bullshit from those who are supposed to be leaders saying that this is all suddenly “coming to light”. Fuck no it isn’t.