I agree, but if Trump putting kids in cages and kidnapping them from their families didn’t sway enough voters the first time around, this certainly won’t either.
I agree, but if Trump putting kids in cages and kidnapping them from their families didn’t sway enough voters the first time around, this certainly won’t either.
California should be like: “We will not negotiate with terrorists.”
I often don’t like it when customer service people say this to me if I have been waiting to resolve an issue that is the company’s fault, because my waiting is barely a choice; the company screwed up and now I am ‘forced’ to spend time getting it resolved.
Only apologize or thank me when it’s personal and sincere. (The size of the business matters a lot in if the apologies or thanks feel genuine.)
Looks like North Carolina could use a political luiging.
Edit: I mean arresting all the republicans in office and charging them with terrorism. Yeah, let’s go with that.
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