Honestly that’s a whole other problem. The Democrats need to fucking stop courting the “moderate conservatives”. Those fucks will N E V E R vote for a Democrat over a Republican. No matter how godawful they are.
Honestly that’s a whole other problem. The Democrats need to fucking stop courting the “moderate conservatives”. Those fucks will N E V E R vote for a Democrat over a Republican. No matter how godawful they are.
I would really love to be in the room with these idiots the moment they hear that Trump has signed the law that will arm Israel to the teeth and sanction them to exterminate every Muslim in Gaza. I want to see the terror and regret in their faces. Because this is what they have wrought.
And yet they’re so good at beating progressives in the primaries and the caucuses. They literally dump unlimited amounts of cash in defeating progressives everywhere they go. The only ones that get in are those like AOC whom nobody thought had a chance so they didn’t bother to slap her down. So they just put her in a corner in the Congress instead.
I’m actually of the opinion that he really meant what he said when he promised not to pardon his son. But then after the election I believe he was disappointed with the democratic party and the American public and realized that leaving his son in prison under Trump and a fully Republican Congress was dangerous (he’d already lost all of his other children). And decided to go against his own word. He really had nothing to lose in doing it. And I don’t think he gives a damn shit about the Democratic party anymore. I mean, I know I don’t.
First off. That’s not how bills work. You don’t introduce one and have it fail and that’s the “first draft”. Secondly this bill didn’t fail. It passed and it has become law. Thirdly this is a simple Medicaid and Medicare expansion bill. It did not create a public option for people. It just made Medicaid and Medicare available for a few more people than it previously did. You should actually read the stuff you link to.
Here is the actual Affordable Care Act with its “first draft” AKA the introduction.
And finally I’m Gen X not a Zoomer. I was there when they wrote this shit, I was there when they were debating it and paying very close attention. And I watched Nancy Pelosi go on television and tell everyone that a public option was not on the table because they wanted “bipartisan support” and Republicans wouldn’t support it with a public option attached. (Biden echoed this later while running for president) This, even though at that time they owned both the House and the Senate and the Presidency. And they were still trying to play nice with the goddamn Republicans. They were “afraid of a filibuster”. And they didn’t have the spine necessary to do away with the 2/3 majority overrule. Which, BTW, the Republicans have no scruples about doing.
It’s been far less reported but they did almost the exact same thing to Katie Porter in California. She was another rising star that got snuffed out by the DNC machine. They redistrict her seat and then they locked her out of the Senate election and pushed one of their elites in her place.
It was almost an exact repeat of what happened to Nina Turner in Ohio in 2021. Everywhere they can the Democrats lock out progressives. The Democratic party does not give one single shit. All they care about is the money and power they get as politicians. Everything they say is lip service.
She’s trying to play the game. She tried bucking them for the first couple years of her tenure in that seat. And they locked her out of everything. Pelosi lead the charge in that. AOC has been trying to ingratiate herself to that bitch but it has not helped because Pelosi is fucking cancer to the Democratic party. She sucks up all the oxygen in the room and gives literally nothing back. The reason Obamacare started out as such a god-awful mess is because pelosi refused to even consider a public option. And now it’s truly completely humped because the Democrats basically gave the Presidency, the House, and the Senate to the Republicans.
The only answer is chemotherapy. Meaning we need to kill most of the party by voting progressive independent instead of towing the party line. Because clearly they don’t give a shit.
“Everyone sort of made the case that they would be the best to help change the message across the country. … He’s a very good communicator,” said Beyer.
Oh yeah that’s exactly what’s going to fix the problem Democrats have. Electing another old ass Clinton era Democrat to a position of power. It’s not like everybody’s pissed at them for losing the Presidency, the House, and the Senate all in one go.
Why the fuck won’t that old bitch just get the fuck out? Her and Feinstein, two fucking peas in a pod. Dragging the entire democratic party down into the dumpster fire that it has become.
The people who are tuning out now are the ones who are active during the elections. We exhausted ourselves trying to get someone we didn’t really believe in elected president against someone we truly feared. And it was all for nothing because the Democratic party is incapable of appealing to the lower class.
I suspected we were in trouble when Kamala Harris embraced the endorsement from that absolute turd bag Dick Cheney and his equally shit daughter Liz. I saw Hillary try to pull the same stupid strategy back in 2016. They keep trying to lure Republicans to the Democratic side and it never never never works. Republicans do not care how “fiscally responsible” you tell them that you are. They will always vote for the person with the ® next to their name. And while the Democrats are doing that they are repelling just everyone on the left. Especially those who are poor and don’t give a shit how fiscally responsible you are they just want a break.
And now I really don’t have any faith in the Democratic party at all. I don’t think they’re as bad as Republicans but they sing their songs to the same tunes the Republicans do. Just with different lyrics.
Our governors are working hard to wall us off from the fascism.
Only when the immigrants are not white.