That reminds me, I have to sharpen my guillotine this weekend.
That reminds me, I have to sharpen my guillotine this weekend.
Anyone want to predict what her final position will be when it comes down to a vote?
“Murdering all the citizens of my state is a policy I will not abide, but the president has assured me that he has learned his lesson, and will never do it again. Send money.”
When Peter Navarro was in court for his treason, he would attempt to address the reporters every day, so he could beg for money. Every day, there was a woman who stood behind him, yellling or blowing a whistle whenever he talked, and holding up signs.
He’s a short little dick, and she was tall, so he tried to yank a sign out of her hands, but she just held it up out of his reach, and said “Havent you committed enough crime today?”
Fucking HILARIOUS, and all in front of the media. The most effective strategy was blowing the whistle as he tried to talk, because it totally drowned him out. Most days he just walked away in frustration.
Ok, I came here to say the exact same thing, but you said it much better than I would have.
The Sgt Schultz Defense: “I know nothing!”
Its very popular among MAGA Traitors. TouchMePutin Gabbard has been employing it like she gets royalties.
No, not the next time. If we manage to wrest power from them again, it won’t be with the current bunch of weak, spineless weenies that comprise the current Dem leadership, like that fucking scumbag Chuck Schumer.
Our liberators will be a new guard of Democrats, who are fucking pissed off as Hell, and it will be their pledge to purge MAGA from our government and our country by any means necessary, that gives them power. They will take power knowing they are expected to punish the MAGA Traitors to Hell and back, and they’ll do it.
Just like they have never moved on from Hillary’s non-existent email scandal, we should NEVER move on from this. All this traitors, and any other MAGA Traitor, should be asked about this in every interview, every day. We should beat that dead horse for so long, even we get sick of it.
This is actually good news. We knew there was never going to be a valid investigation anyway, so at least this forces the MuskRat to waste at least a portion of his resources on this cover-up. He’ll also certainly violate a few laws while doing it, so when they finally lose power, we can slam him with those charges as well, and lock him up for longer, and fine his estate another several billion in fines and damages.
It seems like their best argument is that they are incredibly stupid, and a smart reporter took advantage of them.
Of course they do, and for good reason, but I’ve spoken with a lot of foreign people, and they generally understand that most Americans aren’t MAGA assholes.
I’m just hoping that when the MAGA Traitors start incarcerating good citizens just because they refuse to become evil, the rest of the world will help us.
What about Throuples?
It would be hilarious for 2 women to put pillows under their shirts, and go in with a man, and say “We’re a Throuple, and both of my wives are pregnant, we want our free stuff,” and see what happens.
The light of a Molotov Cocktail.
Snowflakes are now a protected class.
My family is talking about leaving America, but I’m reminding them that we can’t just move to wherever we want anymore. America is officially a shithole country in the eyes of the world. If you arent wealthy, or have an extremely strong, in-demand skill in tech or medicine, no country is going to allow it. They wont want American refugees swarming their countries.
That reminds me, it’s time to sharpen my guillotine.
It’s important to understand that it is now the philosophy of the Sociopathic Oligarchs and their trans-national corporations, that every person should die penniless, with nothing to pass on to their children.
When people reach middle age, and a bit older, they start to need their health care more, which is tied to their jobs, which are harder to find as you get older. That makes older workers more reliant on those jobs, making them more manipulative, and more accepting of abuse.
The wealthy don’t like the fact that many older workers get inhertitances from one side of their marriage or the other, or perhaps both, and then suddenly they have options, and dont need the safety of their company any more. They can afford to find a lower stress job, or start their own (possibly competing) business, or they might just retire.
None of that is good for the wealthy. They want workers who are good little wage slaves, fully dependent on sociopaths to support their families. So now the strategy is to impoverish as many as possible before their deaths, so they have nothing to pass on to their children, to give them easier lives as they age.
So keep the banks fees up, keep property insurance high, keep property taxes high, and most of all make health care wildly expensive, difficult to access, predatory and parasitic. We always hear about most bankruptcies being cause by medical bills, which is frightening to most people, but music to the Sociopathic Oligarchs’ ears. Those are people who had money, and lost it all, including their children’s inheritance.
Of course the other tendril of the strategy is to kill Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, so people will work literally until their deaths. Retirment is for the wealthy. The rest of us need to keep grinding.
That’s just the initial knee jerk reaction (based on their actual personal beliefs) before the Conservative Propaganda Machine tells them what to believe.
“After a comprehensive investigation, we have decided that justice would be best served by executing the reporter for doing his job. Problem solved. Send money. Or else.”
HitlerPig might rape and murder their children, but they think the Dems would rape and murder their children, and then eat them. So Republicans are better.
Or maybe, y’know, don’t elect rapists/murderous/cannibals of any kind.
That reminds me, I have to sharpen my guillotine this weekend.