Huh, I’m actually kinda surprised, this is John Deere the tractor company right?
Shareholders of, but yes.
The majority of shareholders aren’t retail investors, they’re investment funds and are the same for every major companies you’ll find. BlackRock doesn’t care what Trump thinks, it will vote for what works.
Yes, and it’s pretty common sense that diversity of background leads to diversity of opinion leads to, in the right culture, more diverse and creative problem solving. But tell that to any of the dumb fucks in power of the USA.
If that were the absolute truth as you present it, many of the other, also publicly traded companies would not have dropped DEI like it’s a sandwich full of ants
Let me introduce you to the global marketplace.
They actually call themselves a tech company now. Their machines are guided by satellites and use computer vision to tell apart weeds and sprouts.
Only a fool would turn away talent because of their skin color, gender, or disability.
Something interesting is both sides think they’re making the same argument you are. People are quick to forget history, when white men and black men rarely if ever worked in the same spaces in the USA.
I suspect that the same majority of all shareholders of everything except “truth soscial” (I know, not publicly traded) feel the same. The value of diversity is proven and anyone who is against is obviously dumb.
I like how that percentage number is the same as the temperature of a normal human body. Seems appropriate.
That’s not the tempera… ah, Fahrenheit.
That’s interesting. The vast majority, about 83%, of their shareholders are large institutional shareholders like Vanguard and JP Morgan Chase. Would those be who voted in this?
Depends if they have voting shares or not. They probably do.
Its not a hard thing to vote for, unless your racist. DEI programs have been proven to boost productivity in every sector that they were studied. Even if it weren’t the right thing to do in general, it’s the right thing to do for the bottom line.
But are they a majority of shares?
Just came here to say, “oh, Deere….”