Religion is irrational, scary, and often violent. It’s a piece of why there’s never peace in the Middle East. I wish I could be as flippant as the rest of you about this.
Its a piece of why there’s never peace in the Middle East.
There are long periods of piece in the Middle East. It’s racist to think otherwise. The current borders are absolute garbage due to “outside circumstances.” Iraq barely has access to the sea…
I’m not talking race, but religion. And yes, I don’t think ANY of the Abrahamic religions are a good and equitable basis for government. I firmly believe in separation of church and state.
Practice whatever you like. My rancor is for instilling any of those practices in government. I weep for the women in Iran. No one should be forced, and they are forced, to live like that.
Their government is young…
And based on a religion that is old.
But the old government that was horrible to its people (unless you’re family was elite) while it was a secular government.
Read up why they got this new government. Just look up their revelation from a few decades ago. Islam isn’t the issue; this government is making a pitiful attempt at keeping foreign hands out of its business.
In fact read up why Iran became Shite. It was to obtain a distinct identity in respective to the Turks and the Arabs. Which is crazy; the Iranians, Turks, and Arabs still retain their culture differences and will most likely always do so.
So, yes. Ignoring all of the problems caused by foreign interference is bigoted; as you are blaming these people’s problems on their lifestyle when the the problem is much bigger.
Christian Nationalist is an oxymoron and they aren’t Christians. Christ is our king and we serve him by being kind to others and giving when it hurts whether that’s time, talent, or money. He is not of this world and his kingdom is neither.
This is another cult. Trump is an Antichrist.
Edit: As another has pointed out, they are still Christians. But I stand by the rest its still a cult.
They are real Christians. This isn’t the middle ages, you can’t just call every sect of Christianity but your own heretics. That’s a cop-out so you can keep being Christian without feeling bad about what you have in common with them. They’re just as Christian as you, and half hearted gatekeeping doesn’t do any more to stop them or help innocent people than thoughts and prayers. If you’re gonna try and gatekeep Christianity as only the cool peace and love parts of the bible and not the murder and hate and rape and petty divine punishments that make up the other 80% of it, at least actually try to live like Christ and go out and do some charity and volunteer work and protest the fascism conservatives are doing in god’s name
actually try to live like Christ and go out and do some charity and volunteer work
Whipping bankers is also Christ-like, fwiw
Well fucking said.
Emo Phillips has something to say about that, you heretic.
You are right they are Christian, their actions are unChrist like and their attempt to make America into a Christian state only further destroys America while alienating people from the church. Christian nationalism is an oxymoron though.
I try to live Christ like, but God knows I miss the mark, however I try to anyway, including volunteering my time. I am well aware of the horror that is the bible, though not so sure I would say any divine punishments were petty.
I am also trying to voice out against fascism, unfortunately I have family that relies on my employment in a conservative place, so I have to take an indirect approach and try to make people think about what conservatives are doing.
Thanks for making me feel unwelcome though, I’ll try to shut up next time.
The Bible isn’t horrific. Don’t let others tell you it is just because they don’t like it. There are a lot of historical stories in the Bible about people. People are sinful, and do bad things. Just because something is in the Bible, doesn’t mean God approved of it happening, and that we are to mimic it.
The bible does have horrifying stories. It as you pointed out doesn’t mean that its OK in God’s eyes nor should we imatate. Christians in the past have used the Bible to justify evil acts. Others have stood quiet while others do evil.
Yes, there are horrifying stories, I guess I read your comment differently than you meant it.
I’m not always the best at communicating.
Why are all religious people obsessed with being ruled by a fucking monarch?
This question is directed at you included.
These books were written in a time where monarchy was the norm across the world and said monarchs could just do whatever the hell they want and basically nobody could do anything about it.
Having a king was a fact of life. The idea of a King above all other Kings, who would hold the unaccountable to account, who understood and sympathized with the plight of the common man, was a very appealing prospect to everyone. It also served to put the literal fear of God into the local monarchs and maybe prevent them from abusing their power too badly.
This still holds today because of the traditions of the holy books. Christ has been “the king of all kings” as written from the very beginning, and this was most likely political propaganda intended to reign in actual kings. But the title has stuck even when monarchy hasn’t stuck around in a lot of places.
In addition the relationship between the Abrahamic God and His followers is heavily modeled off the relationship between a feudal lord and his vassals. That’s why they call him Lord. The people follow the rules and regulations of the Lord, and provide him with income, and in return the Lord protects them from disaster or invaders. The same dynamic is used to illustrate the relationship between God and his followers.
Christianity has Christ as our king as one of the core beliefs. Not sure about other religions, but I think the general view is because religion is meant as a form of societal control, which isn’t inheritably bad as we are a social species, but is abused by many of those in power.
Being ruled by a moral good monarch is better than whatever oligarchic hell hole America has.
Someone hasn’t read their Bible
At one point I would have agreed. Still, they are Christian. This is how Christianity is now practiced in America. The mostChristian thing I’ve done in a while is leave the church.
Christianity is a cult no matter it’s variation.
They’re not Christians. They don’t follow the beliefs accredited to Jesus. But it sounds like you do. Don’t let them tarnish your name and your beliefs. Good people are inadvertently lumping you together and you sound like a decent person. As a Jew, I teach my kid “he was a Jew like us, a great person if he was real, who cared about other people, worked an honest day’s work with his hands, was humble, upstanded against tyranny and capitalists, and someone who shares our family’s values, dirty hippie hard working Jewish 99%er with an open heart. We just don’t believe he was the Messiah and we’re still waiting”
deleted by creator
I vote we call it the Derp State.
Sumpn’s gon be gutted but it ain’t gon be the grail
This is what the democrats were supposed to protect you from. They failed to do it. You will now spend the next 4 years hoping there is another chance but your chances are gone. The door is closing. Abandon the DNC and look for a new way to manifest the change we need.
Weird copypasta from Russian shills but okay
Russians want you to be all in on the DNC. They have them cornered and they are predictable. They also wouldn’t mind a full on violent revolution. Both these things serve their strategy. What they don’t want you doing is breaking ties with established systems and making something they can’t predict or control. You’re doing more work for Russia then I ever have.
Awww cute line kids. But we know obvious shills when we see them