I don’t know, maybe ensuring their flock cant afford to donate to political campaigns should be considered a public service.
I don’t know, maybe ensuring their flock cant afford to donate to political campaigns should be considered a public service.
Not sure if the IP is still owned by WB, but if so it’ll never happen. Warner Bros are awful about not fucking over the users.
Doesn’t say great things about pakistans nuclear deterrence…
Well fucking said.
The fuck am I supposed to do? I’ve been organizing, I’ve been to protests, I’ve done everything I can to head this disaster off. I’ll be fine throughout this and I’ll do what I can to take care of the innocents who’re going to suffer, but what the fuck else is there to do? Clearly people either want this, or don’t care enough to try and stop it. So, fuck it. They can reap what they sow. Maybe this will wake some of them up, or they’ll all fucking die of the next big pandemic and then they won’t be a problem any more.
I’m not sure if it counts as good faith, but it’s sincere - you’re putting way too much energy into a debate about which failing state is failing with more grace. Yeah, Australia is doing better than the US, we’re speedrunning the fall of rome over here, but it’s important not to be so blinded by the spectacle of the US imploding that you lose sight of your own country being eroded out from under you.
Bud this is sad, come on.
Man, that must have been one wild study…
You’re not wrong (well except about most of the actual things you asserted) but while retreating to some zany upside-down nationalism to defend your precariously teetering democracy might preserve your sense of superiority over the US, it’s pretty clearly blinding you to the realities of the situation you’re living in.
Hush, you’re embarrassing yourself.
Like that will ever happen.