He’s just disgruntled several thousand federal employees. Maybe he’s never heard the term Going Postal?
He’s just disgruntled several thousand federal employees. Maybe he’s never heard the term Going Postal?
crazy to me that he’s thinking the guy who might be funding anti Trump podcasts is a threat and not the richest man in the world who has agents infiltrating and collecting data on every government agency. Like, is dudes tin foil hat on right?
If only there was something the Senate could do to like, remove him from office for acting like a dictator… some sort of, call me crazy, impeachment.
Man who threw molotov cocktails at gas station blamed for explosion.
Sounds about right.
My conjectures:
Musk: Trans kid who disowned him for being shitty so obvipusly it must be trans peoples fault and not his.
JKR: I firmly believe she’s selfhating in the closet trans. The equivalent to the homophobic pastor who eventually gets caught with the choir boy. We just haven’t seen the choirboy yet.
Zuck: Not transphobic, just a sociopath (at worst) who will go whatever way the wind blows.
Shot of tequila-> ehhh… he’s trying at least?
I fucked hot latina bitches-> brother, calm yourself.
deleted by creator
He should be feeling angry he’s going to be remembered for helping Israel commit genocide, refusing to step aside and let the younger generation lead, and enabling fascism, but his hubris won’t allow for that.
We have set ourselves up for generational loss because we keep promoting from within leaders that that do not criticise the moneyed interests
Evergreen quote-
“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” - Upton Sinclair
I know nothing of the plot of that game but i bet you kill one or more corrupt kings and religious figures so im going to pre-emptively call it woke for pushing an anti religious and anti monarchal agenda
He can’t follow through? I am shocked. Shocked! If only we had some historical precedent for this like him promising to build a wall on a previous presidential term and then halfassing a fence.
imagine thinking maga cares about a african american calling them racist. they wore diapers, bandages on their ears, and called themselves deplorables. elon aint finna find any shame in them
Been watching and waiting for Hollow Knight 2 for entirely too long, but I’d rather have a polished but delayed game then a crap rushed one.
that and word of mouth or just cool gameplay vids. dude parrying an explosion got me to withlist va proxy
Folks saying racism are wrong. It is an -ism though, just not that one. IMO it’s Classism. Same reason they flip shit when someone mentions raising the minimum wage. “Flipping burgers is for teens”, meanwhile 1pm on a Tuesday they’re getting a Whopper completely oblivious to the fact that there isn’t a single person under 30 working there.
Really, you could cut the headline to “Fetterman made his first post on truth social”, and I’d still be disappointed, the rest just put a cherry on top.
I was gonna say Ishin is that… but its set in the era immediately prior, the Bakumatsu
One of two timeframes I’d like to see a Yakuza-esque game in, the other being the 50’s post-war Japan.
guess it was negotiable after all
We know that female candidates with male VP’s named Tim don’t win against Republicans. Hillary and Kamala proved that. But this is wholly different, so its possible, concievable…