Some are cowards even if they do care.
Some have always secretly agreed but were afraid to act on it.
Some are just apathetic as long as it doesn’t directly affect them.
But the bigesst reason? Money.
Well, they just cut every research university in the country’s money by limiting facilities and administration funding on science grants to 15% (with a few exceptions possible, if approved, presumably by Elon Musk).
Basically, a $1,000,000 grant to a research scientist comes with a corresponding payment to the university to build whatever is needed and run the lab. It’s usually close to 50% because research labs aren’t cheap. And with few exceptions, private companies don’t really fund basic research labs like they used to. (There is, obviously, a lot of private sector R&D but nothing like back in the day when Bell Labs, Xerox PARC, etc. were doing revolutionary work.)
Some are
… poor spellers.
But also some people just can’t be arsed to stick their neck out when they’re barely keeping their own shit together amidst things that fucking DO also affect them, Tiffany, but they’re silently trying to keep food on tables and kids in whatever half-assed school curricula still exists in the hope that when the heroes with the heroic ability to not only barely cope but also strive and also rebel are done, that their grown kids will be as free of generational trauma and smart enough to survive in the world they all hope will emerge.
It’s not enough to be at every protest personally - gold star, you - but you take normal people whose personal covid tragedies still resonate on those long stretches of days when they’re again not going to hit their goal of only one falling-down collapse in a parking lot as coping escapes them in the heat of the moment triggered by a full cart of bargain food, a wailing child and a lost set of car keys, and then you berate them for not being good enough like you?
Is their own trauma - which you may know nothing about - automatically not good enough that they’re not doing enough for you? What kind of human rights crusader has no empathy?
You do realize the article is about “institutions” and not individual people? And that I was talking about institutions and not individual people?
Because they are craven bitches?
Because people haven’t learned not to play Trump’s games by Trump’s rules. Appeasement not only makes him come back for more, he makes him believe that it’s his by birthright.
Because Trump wields an inordinate amount of power and can have his decrees backed up by use of retaliatory executive action such as firings or pulling funding, retaliatory legislative action, or use of force.
Because Trump wields sizeable support in this country, up to and including militia groups that Trump has already pardoned once and lone-wolf actors willing to commit violence on his behalf, and they do not have support of equal measure willing to defend them.
Because they still have faith in what is left of our legislative and justice system and are still holding on to the hope that everybody will come to their senses and all of this can still be solved legislatively without having to resort to any kind of resistance or violence, no matter how increasingly fleeting that hope is.
Because the people that run these institutions are all just regular people with regular jobs and regular families who just want to go home at the end of the day, and have absolutely no desire to become the John Connor of the resistance movement.
Because he’s letting them do what they’ve always wanted.
Because we’re terrified that society is crumbling, so we try to follow rules to feel some kind of order.
And because of an “if I don’t do it, I’m next” mentality that often arises in these situations.
im’ guessing it has a lot to do with old white dudes being in charge of those institutions. trump just gave them an excuse to do the shitty things they were otherwise embarrassed to say out loud.
plus corporations gave up on any and all ethics years ago. the concept of “right and wrong” does not exist for them.
Some of them couldn’t wait to lick his boots.
Why are we bowing to any of this? Where are our leaders?
The non-maga population and the left don’t have any leadership. They have representatives in federal and state offices but they are really not leaders. The media may call them leaders but are they though? Does anyone really look to Chuck Schumer or Peolsi and say “Yes, these people are motivating me to step out of my comfort zone and do whats best for the country.” NOPE.
There are some people in power that are being vocal and I think that is great, but honestly they haven’t moved the needle to amping up the base to go out and protest, to support a general strike or any other disruption that will make an impression on the powers that be. The non-trumpers and left need, desperately, strong vocal leadership that goes to the people, draws on the fear and anger and uses the energy that comes from that to build a solid resistance.
Where are our leaders?
Tag, you’re it!
Because we’re probably the least liked minority groups.
If you want an actual answer: the answer is because it’s still a pretty controversial topic in the US. If you leave the echo chamber here, you’ll find the vast majority of people, even those who support the trans movement, are pretty universally against trans women competing in sports. The fact the movemen tried to force it down everyone’s throat and shame anyone who disagreed moved a lot of people from neutral to negative.
When I was growing up, there was no girls wrestling, but “boys” sports in high school aren’t “boys” they’re “open”. We had girls on the wrestling team, girls on the football team. Now as they got older and the boys got bigger and stronger, something like football is a generally a non-starter.
All of that is to say: corporations aren’t going to die on this hill when there isn’t a clear majority of Americans supporting it.
Sports weren’t even the first thing Trump went after.
I guess it’s a good thing the question wasn’t: what was the first thing Trump went after.
The question was: why aren’t corporations pushing back. If you read what I said, instead of apparently assuming I don’t understand the order of events of Trumps idiocy, you’d see that I’m telling you that SPORTS has driven folks who would normally be neutral or supporting of transgender rights in the opposite direction. You can say that’s stupid, you can say you don’t like it, but that’s reality. And the INSISTENCE on the trans community of pushing the sports thing gave Trump and company an in to make it the central focus of the discussion.
Why on earth would ANY business get in the middle of that when, again, the majority of Americans do not support it? A topic like this leaves no room for nuance, either a company supports transgender rights and everything that goes with it (like the hotbutton sports topic) or they don’t. It is safer for their sales to not.
I’m trying to point out how sports are only a very small portion of Trump’s illegal orders.
How does your explanation address the obedience of hospitals or schools or prisons? The scale and scope of what Trump is doing is so far beyond sports and I have no idea why you think sports are the key to understanding the stituation. Sports institutions aren’t the only ones bowing down to these illegal orders, and so that begs the question: why are the others obeying in advance?
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If your male, spend the next 6 months wearing women’s clothes and come back here and tell me if no one cares.
I started socially transitioning over the summer, and trust me I got lots of microaggressions. With a fascist in the White House, I am fearful for my life.
Hate crime related murder during his last administration was a 28-year high. And this round folks are even more emboldened because of his pardons.
And if no one really cares, why all the anti-trans laws?
No one in power* They have plenty of allies in the general polulation.