Like, if its collapsed, do I file? Do I even have to?
I am most certainly going to pay my state tax, but then what? What about stuff like my social security funds?
(I am asking for others because we’re at that point now I suppose)
Like, if its collapsed, do I file? Do I even have to?
I am most certainly going to pay my state tax, but then what? What about stuff like my social security funds?
(I am asking for others because we’re at that point now I suppose)
Do people really think the US state and its monopoly on violence is going to collapse in the foreseeable future?
The US has been run by oligarchs since its formation as a bourgeois state after its bourgeois revolution (previously). That this is more nakedly obvious this week than last doesn’t really change that fact.
Actually yes, there are more oligarchs than the idiots in charge right now, and it’s going to come to a head at some point. Each one has their feifdom and they won’t go quietly.
More to the point, it’s going to reach the point of mass protest again, and moron is going to call in the military. After which everything is on the table. No one in power will be safe in anything but armored transport and guarded villages, which won’t last long. At that point the US and it’s global hegemony will be broken. There won’t be the resources to project military power beyond our borders and a few subject states, because it will cost so much to keep security at home, and productivity will tank hard.
No one can beat the US military except the US itself, and it’s being forced to do just that.
The US military is shrinking and getting more inept every year with lowered physical and aptitude standards. So at least there’s that.