They should stream it live like all court hearings and trials and SC deliberations should be for transparency (except for jury deliberations)
you’re high on mushrooms in the Viking age, the gods are everywhere
They should stream it live like all court hearings and trials and SC deliberations should be for transparency (except for jury deliberations)
Is common sense just an earlier, naive label for confirmation bias?
How long until people stop booking flights because they’ve lost confidence in the FAA’s ability to manage its air traffic? There are already plenty who wouldn’t fly on a Boeing
Alt: official party of leopards eating people’s faces flag
Anything to distract from the plane crash they caused and plans to indefinitely hold citizens and people who missed a court date in an expanded Cuban military black site the public never wanted built on the first place
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There are hate and white supremacist groups scattered all over the state, more so as you move further from Detroit and Lansing as the major metropolitan areas. If there was a bigotry capital though I’d put my money on Howell.
If billionaires aren’t held to the same standards and laws under the social contract as others they also should be exempt from its protections.
It doesn’t take intelligence to be a fascist dictator, quite the opposite that’s the draw for idiots like Trump and Leon. Organized crime, grifting, threats of violence and intimidation don’t require elaborate planning or prediction. Al Capone was well known to not be very bright.
Nepotism and corruption is the only hiring model they support
Let’s not let something like justice get in the way of expensive useless bullshit and graft, it’s the Roberts court
The Millionaire Senator Roger Marshall, that pleaded no contest to reckless driving when he attempted to run over his neighbor? The same Roger Marshall that tried to stop the impeachment of Trump for extorting a foreign country’s leader to interfere in the US election or he would withhold aid approved by Congress? The same shit heel who was caught violating insider trading reporting, opposes abortion in cases of rape and incest, contested the 2020 election without evidence, and promoted conspiracy theories during the peak of the COVID pandemic?
The world would be a safer place without Roger Marshall, and he’s welcome to surrender his Medicare for life granted to all congresspersons because any health issues he or his dependents have are clearly self-inflicted as he says about others.
When the media or politicians report on ‘the economy’ they mean wealthy people’s money in investment capital and financial instrument earnings, not wages or savings for the working class.
If everyone is reliving the same day over and over again most people can go a day without eating with some mild discomfort, pretty much all agriculture, grocery, etc would become luxury and less needed or used.
All travel would become short distance you can’t spend 24hrs traveling to the other side of the planet just to get reset back home. Markets would go into stasis and stay closed there’s no interest earned over 0 days, which means most people would stop working as most jobs wouldn’t be necessary if everything just resets after 24 hours, you can’t build or destroy anything permanent.
I think most people would panic or just vacation for a few months worth of repeated days before organizing around new myths and practices and traditions around what caused it and how to change it back.
Don’t play rigged games.
Do what you think is right, but actually take some time to think about if it’s right or just feels right.
Being right and being wrong feel the exact same until challenged by facts, challenge your own beliefs, use the Socratic method if you need a starting point.
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Wealthy investment banker classist ladder-puller criticizing what he doesn’t understand instead of addressing the actual problems many people face and using his wealth and power to provide and execute solutions. He’s a leach, oligarch, and a demagogue for oppression. People in positions of power should be held to a higher standard, not a lower one.
As an atheist I’m reminded around this time of year of the teachings Jesus had that apply regardless of faith or secularity; like give away all your belongings because material goods are a chain weighing you down. Be compassionate, forgiving, and helpful and good people will reciprocate. Vivek isn’t generous or caring for the people who need help most like prisoners, sick, elderly. He’s a stingy Scrooge who would rather for-profit insurance exist than universal healthcare.
Everyday he’s not in cuffs is another day Congress condones statutory rape
Stephen Miller is really one of the worst, idiotic, evil, scared, white supremacist, KKK quoting goblins