You know, you could always just buy their raw materials.
You know, you could always just buy their raw materials.
Time to start wearing some yellow vests.
One day at a time. Isn’t that what the 12 Step groups say? People in this thread saying this won’t do anything. You have to start somewhere. Don’t be defeatist. Get involved. Unless you are just trolling to keep people from doing anything.
I think there is going to be more like this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBwCtKlM9dI
After today’s EO and the attack on NYC congestion pricing, Trump will just tell insurance companies to ignore any laws that limit their power.
Pharmaceutical companies are going to deal with this clown quickly. Bet they are already consulting with Boeing.
You have to have an educated populace in order to comprehend how the government works. The systematic dismantling of education since at least the eighties has left people ill equiped to deal with the world.
I don’t think being Tennessee’s Commissioner of Education is the flex this writer thinks it is.
Going after the migrant workers in California agriculture is designed to cripple the state’s economy.
So, which news sites should I be following?
Made a note to donate on payday.
I bet more scientists have read the Bible than these “Christians”.
Yes, Federal Minimum Wage raised to $20 an hour. No exceptions for training, farm work, under 18. Then go for Medicare for All. Level the playing field for all the States and companies.
Mar-a-lago, the new Epstein Island.
All politics are local.
Oh, men will still be able to divorce women, they’ll make sure of that.
More of this.