Public sector employment terms can’t just be renegotiated on the fly. That used to be part of why they were relatively stable and safe.
Public sector employment terms can’t just be renegotiated on the fly. That used to be part of why they were relatively stable and safe.
It’s too early to take the black pill. All that’s needed for the House to be a check on the executive is 1 republican to cross the aisle. The less popular Trump is, the easier that gets.
We could do (and have done) a lot worse. My only concern is whether or not he has the backbone to refuse to be steered to the right, the way Kamala was after the convention. His Midwestern politeness definitely didn’t serve him well in the debate.
The problem is “kissing donor ass” is a euphemism for serving themselves.
One of the main architects of the status quo democrats thinks democrats need to respond to getting stomped by maintaining the status quo? Color me shocked.
To the people hoping a huge dip in their numbers on this one day will scare them: These megacorporations have set themselves up for consumers to be dependent on them. Even if we have a great turnout for this one-day boycott, it’s still a boycott that asks negligible sacrifice from consumers. The corporations won’t be worried that a big one-day boycott means consumers are poised to actually do real damage to them.
we want them to not want to go to work
Mission accomplished
because they are increasingly viewed as the villains
Misson spectacularly failed. There’s never been more sympathy for federal workers. They made Republican members of congress not want to go to town halls because they are increasingly viewed as the villains.
This should be brought up every time somebody says they’re trying to make the government more efficient. That’s an obvious lie covering for the fact they’re trying to cripple the government’s ability to do anything.
We want their funding to be shut down so that the EPA can’t do all of the rules against our energy industry because they have no bandwidth financially to do so.
Anyone who demands better proof than that is being unreasonable.
Is it even remotely legal to say “innocuous ordinary action like missing an email will be interpreted as a resignation”?
Imagine a manager starting a meeting with “we need to cut some staff, so blinking will be interpreted as a resignation”
I’m not even talking about saving democracy yet, I’m just talking about whether or not the democrats earn a “You tried” sticker.
I think the only way the Democrat party meets the current moment is if an AOC or Bernie or similar wins the next presidential primary and aggressively replaces the current leadership.
Yeah, but what’s the brain worm party gonna do for the working man?
In similar news, water continues to be wet.
Unironically whatever.
It’s almost as if they’re bad-faith hypocrites who will drop any supposed values the instant it’s convenient for consolidating their power.
Democrats could have a pretty powerful anti-establishment and anti-billionaire narrative in the near future, and it would probably be pretty successful.
But only if the Democrat billionaires and establishment get out of the way.
It boggles my mind that so many people can look at this obvious manchild, who’s first to claim credit and last to take responsibility, and think “leader”.
“Woe is me, who could have thought this would ever happen”
-The senators who will fight tooth and nail to keep money in politics.
Once again, I am not arguing the morality of what the administration did or what the employees should do in response. Only the practicality. The process for squeezing the government for a non-standard work arrangement will take months and probably involve legal battles. These people have lives to get back to.