I think you are implying they could charge more in state taxes so the feds don’t get the money. Sadly in the California housing market, that $10k limit makes it meaningless.
I think you are implying they could charge more in state taxes so the feds don’t get the money. Sadly in the California housing market, that $10k limit makes it meaningless.
A lot of answers seem to skip over that people wouldn’t know if the repeat is forever. So many people might try to figure out how to make it stop. Others might not want it to stop… that could get interesting.
Let’s be honest. It’s not that Mark is a facist or whatever. It’s because the change is good for him personally, and he just doesn’t care about others. As for why it is good for him… workers in texas are cheaper, and most of the people currently on the team in Cali will quit rather than move.
Beautiful. I’ve tried smart, it sucks.
So you are saying that because the Republicans are incoming, biden should represent thier way? I voted for biden to represent democrats untill the end. The Republicans will have plenty of thier own time to do republican things.
Well more like you think signing the bill is a victory, and I am saying it is capitulation.
Anything else is just the illusion of choice. They control the options. So they can always come up with something worse to set next to the option it wants. The only influence you have as a chooser is to call thier bluff. If you don’t you might as well just let have whatever they want.
In this case, I hate to ask more of our service members. But I know I can count on them to fight back. Choosing zero is calling them to service once more to protect the freedom of our nation. Specifically thier freedom to use the benefit they were promised when they enlisted. And I have faith that they will rise to the occasion.
I expect the party that ran on protecting trans kids to take a stand. But I am done supporting the democrats now.
I thought AI meant we didn’t need all these tech workers? /s
Voting systems are extremely hard to change in most states. But progressive candidates usually support voting changes too. So two birds with one stone. It will be a painful few cycles with the Republicans winning. But they have shown they will turn on each other rather fast. And once we show we just aren’t going to vote democrat or republican, momentum will build. Things can’t get much worse.
I guess if there was any doubt before, it’s gone now. Neither party is suitable. Time to really vote progressive. We need a new party that isn’t deeply entrenched with whatever made hime sign that.
I’m lost. He spoke against it, but signed it anyway. Did they give any rationalization for signing it?
Well, they would argue that they fronted the money and thus took all the risk. And maybe at one point that was actually true. But since the gov worked for them… over time it worked to reduce the risk. I agree the result is disliked, but I was talking about how it got to where it was, why it came into being, and that we shouldn’t expect it to be anything but what it is. We just need a balancing force to counter it.
Let’s be straight. The civil court system was created to manage interactions between people. At the lowest level you had the town judge who referees disputes between people in the town. That expended to be things between towns, then states, then countries. Most interactions between people that need an official third party is commerce. Which means corporations these days as they are the majority of commerce.
And the reason for having someone referee disputes was because commerce was so important to the sucsess of any town, state, or country that without commerce everyone in that entity would suffer significantly and the entity would eventually cease to exist.
So that system isn’t designed to be fair, or even look out for people. It is designed to protect commerce, and since corporations are the majority of that, they are what it protects.
The root of the problem is that commerce is so critical. That won’t change for a long time. But people often wish it would.
In fairness, I think you could argue the second half. But I would have to read the manifesto to see if he actualy intended that, or if it is just the rest of us who wish he had…
You don’t usually her the ladies getting the sexual harassment claim. Whatever she did must have been pretty substantial.
Sounds like an endorsement then… enemy of my enemy and all.
It’s time to start pushing for progressives. Doing it for the midterms will mean more progress candadites (even progressive democrates) for the presidential election.
Not much. Ohio is covered in snow right now.