• Shardikprime@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    It’s the same people that will vote blue no matter who all their lives. Warnings are not needed

    • TankovayaDiviziya@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      Unfortunately, die-hard and centrist Democrats are in their own bubble of ignorance. I had an argument with a Democrat who maligns everyone who voted for Trump, including black and Latino and white working-class voters, as dumb, racists, misogynists and any put downs relating to bigotry you can think of under the sun. The centrists put fingers into their ears, utter “la la la” and put their heads into the sand refusing to acknowledge that economic insecurity is the root cause of America’s democratic backsliding (because centrist Democrats do not want to admit admit they benefit from the current oligarchic status quo even if they say they are feminists, anti-racists, etc). Anyone worth their salt have been ringing the alarm bells, nearly a decade ago, that the world is entering into another gilded age and there will be another mass revolt coming sooner or later.

      People want change but since what the status quo all could say is “I am not my opponent” and throwing few bread crumbs to calm the anger. However, this only delays the inevitable. The warnings have not been heeded. Like in stocks, perhaps centrists are trying to cash in on the growing wealth inequality for as long as possible before it crashes.

      Although there is a ray of hope. Many centrists and die-hard Democrats are finally slowly admitting, with regret, that perhaps they should have let Bernie run instead. Probably the most remarkable thing I heard against Bernie is that he is not able to gather support from black voters; as if the past election that just came didn’t show that black and Latino voters are willing to vote for a talking orange. If a misogynist and racist orange could take votes from a demographic that would normally hate him and his party, then imagine what if a man who has always been on the side of social and economic justice had run instead as the Democratic opponent.

      At the very least, progressive Democrats have the laugh and “told you so” moment on centrist and corporate Democrats. As soon as Trump won, progressives immediately pointed out the reason for Harris’ loss: that the party did not go further left enough-- especially, especially on economic issues. If the Republicans know people want drastic change and have gone further right and won, then there is no reason for Democrats not to go further left and return to their working class roots.

      Edit: autocowreck

    • Pyr_Pressure@lemmy.ca
      3 months ago

      It’s not necessarily people who will vote blue no matter who, but rather people who vote blue because red is so good damn intolerable that anyone who is blue cannot possibly be as bad.