Buttons, knobs, plastic bezels.
At least according to the industry those are all in the past. The future is screens that go to the very edge of the device and absolutely nothing tactile.
And it is bullshit. It is less reliable, less convenient, less cool – To say nothing of the safety disaster that nailing a tablet computer to the dashboard of every car has been.
Safty razors! Why would anyone spend 20$ on the new fangled 30 million blade razor that mighy last one shave? When you can spend pennies even if you change blades every shave.
Developers. Yes, AI can sling a lot of code, but it can’t make business decisions and it can’t please a difficult customer.
Leeches are still used in some surgeries.
RSS feeds
I started self hosting my own RSS feed a few years ago, and I couldn’t live without it. It’s the best way to get timely info.
And then you can be the first one to post it on lemmy.
I setup tinyrss a month or so ago, I just can’t get into it. Any tips?
Into your instance or into RSS in general?
Generally what are you using it for? I’ve had trouble finding uses outside of youtube and a handful of news sites.
I follow some blogs, news sites, and GitHub project releases so I’m up to date to what I’m interested in.
github is a good one, I didn’t think of that. Thank you
Came here to say this
Magnetic tape. It’s one of the better long-term offline backup solutions. It is compact, inexpensive, has no moving parts (bearings, motors, reader heads), no scratchable surfaces, and can last for decades in a moderately climate-controlled room.
Just keep it away from magnets… or iron vaults. According to an anecdote (that I can’t find right now), a large bank vault was repurposed as an offsite backup storage, except it kept wiping the magnetic tapes because the thick iron walls reacted to changes in the geomagnetic field.
We used to do tape backups up until about 6 years ago, but our higher headquarters decided they wanted to go all in on Rubrik instead. I will say that it is a lot easier to maintain and conduct restores from, and we have all of our various sites’ Rubriks backing up to each other for redundancy. But you’re definitely right that tape is far cheaper per GiB of storage than anything else.
Analogue clocks, particularly clock towers in towns, but also just basic clocks on the wall in your home. With smart devices everywhere, it seems like they’re not needed and probably old-fashioned. The circular 12-hour clock face probably feels like the floppy disk icon or the rotary telephone, in terms of how ‘of another era’ it is, but it’s still a fantastic and resilient form factor for the purpose of visualising the passage of time. Digital is great, but analogue will be with us for the foreseeable future (and I’m including in that the representation of analogue in a digital form, e.g. on smartwatches that provide a classic clock face graphic).
Phones from 2000-2010. Linux/PostmarketOS allows you to run these as mini webservers with webcam’s built-in (depending on chip support)
Also PostmarketOS are looking for a new name, so if you’ve got a suggestion put it here: https://nextcloud.postmarketos.org/apps/forms/s/cAYZZrCqLnrfMPEMAAonCWwx
Your caveman brain. People think they’re educated an enlightened and everything they do now is so well thought out. Nope, the caveman is in the driving seat for all of us. Even your most high level meetings and interviews are influenced by how hungry, horny, or hurt you are by a teasing comment yesterday. Everyone is looking to establish dominance at any cost, when you don’t really need to.
Paper; Notebooks. Key only physical door locks. Manual transmission cars. Not having any IoT appliances, and not connecting everything you own to WiFi. Hard drive full of MP3s. Cash. Not being available for a call if you’re not at home.
Source: work tangential enough to cybersecurity.
I heard of some drug dealers not accepting cash where I live
What are they taking? Monero? Gift cards?
Cashapp I’d assume.
Lol, might as well hang a sign out front that says “I share data with cops.”
\_( ツ )_/
Now hold on, maybe they’re onto something. The highest levels of drug dealers most likely aren’t accepting cash, they’re laundering their money through legitimate fronts. Small time dealers setting up some simple LLC or something for a relatively small fee and funneling money through that could actually shield you better from local law enforcement. I’m pretty sure Cashapp and their ilk offer business accounts nowadays, haven’t checked myself.
Block, the company that owns Cash App, lost a court case and had to pay an $80m fine for failing to adhere to anti-money laundering laws. The Feds have been all over it for a year. Maybe 3 years ago it was possible to fake the KYC, but not a much so anymore.
The only truly non-tracable financial system is Monero, and many exchanges won’t touch it because it has such a close connection to crime.
Caring about your employees as if they were humans.
Hi, number! It’s your colleague: Another number!
So how about that SPORTING EVENT last weekend?
As if! 😂
I love Technology Connections
I’d say vinyl. Looks like a thing from the 60s but it’s still pretty relevant today
I want tot go one further and say music cassettes. Love their sound and way more compact than vinyl. Sadly, there’s no good new hardware being made at the moment, although I really like my We Are Rewind player, it’s far from HiFi.
Nah, gotta got vinyl because cassettes deteriorate just sitting in their cases while vinyl stays pristine … until you actually play it, anyway – but if you want to store an audio recording for longevity, press a gold version of a vinyl album.
With both, it also matters how you store it. But like I said, (modern) cassettes are not for HiFi. If I really want to immerse myself in a record, I need the vinyl. The whole experience is just so much fun.
Small phones, structuralism, and Mr. Rogers.