He loves the troops!
Or he could tax billionaires a little. This is a choice between veterans and billionaires. The billionaires will still be billionaires either way.
This has nothing to do with the federal budget. Congress already appropriated the money, this is just straight up evil.
It is worse than not making billionaires pay more. He is firing all these people as a pretext to giving billionaires more tax breaks because the government is more ‘efficient’.
Loyal service to retire, poof, gone. What the hell are these guys supposed to do at 50?
The VA is already understaffed, how is making them more understaffed going to make them more efficient?
There will be more predictable and consistent outcomes than any other presidency!
Fucking LOL. “Loves the troops”.
But also, none of his supporters give a shit. He openly derides injured/captured/killed soldiers and veterans, but clearly that’s all “fake news”.
First Trump would criticize second Trump for treating veterans so poorly.
Eggs are gonna be $1/dozen!!
75d chess here, people!
do I need the /s?
Least one would expect from a draft dodger.