Comparing him to a parasite is mean to the parasite.
Comparing him to a parasite is mean to the parasite.
Let’s hope they do better in 2028.
Sure, this would not only perhaps prevent the rise in tensions but also partially benefit Russia’s economy which would only benefit the world especially with US, China, and India cooperating with each other.
The problem wasn’t her idea of taxing the rich, it was touting the endorsement of bankers in regards for her economic plans:
“is why Goldman Sachs . . . is why Moody’s, which is why Wharton School of Business, which is why 16 Nobel laureates, have collectively determined after analyzing our plans . . . mine would strengthen the economy, his would weaken it.” - Kamala Harris
Especially when the one’s that endorsed her economic plans can only be described as:
a "great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money "
Is touting the endorsement of bankers and Bush era war criminals really the most effective strategy that the democrat party can muster?
Then why have the veto power at all?
I mean, is something really stopping them from setting up their own task forces without America?
I don’t really see what’s stopping the others from setting up their own task forces without America.
The Black Sea ain’t an area where naval supremacy is really achievable.
People laugh at Moskva sinking to a country with no navy but forget that Ukraine has modern AShMs and the Black Sea is cramped and easy to deny access to. Russian ships sinking was a given.
Although I suppose with the Ukrainian military suffering disaster at Kursk, Ukraine is looking for any PR to send out.
No and not really.
The term “patheticness” describes me very well.
Do remember that Radio Free Europe/ Radio Liberty was created by Langley.
Nonetheless, I am not surprised. My beloved Putin and his friends loves their fleet of luxury cars.
In relations to a Russia allying against China, I am merely referring to Aleksandr Dugin‘s work, “Foundations of Geopolitics” that people like to mention here.
I suppose in reality, possibly not. I mean China and Russia are planning to start construction of a lunar base next year so relations can’t be that bad between the two.
Remember, Trump thrown Columbia’s academic freedom and freedom of speech under the bus to please this dude.
I mean the sanctions didn’t really affect Russia’s ability to maintain the SMO although I suppose, that ain’t really the reason why Trump changed the wording.
Bad for business. Russia has a lot of resources and in my opinion, the sanctions aren’t warranted. They will be a great ally for the US against China.
Edit: The Quuuuill made a good point in that saying “they did nothing wrong” is wrong itself because Russia does do a lot wrong.
And I support America’s right to form a G3 with Russia and China. Maybe G4 with India. Because they are the only countries who matter.
I support America, their right to sovereignty, and its right to veto this proposal.
The Dems fielded a candidate with potential, in a binary race against the absolute worst candidate ever.
I am sorry but this is nonsense. Kamala Harris’s best point was that she wasn’t Trump.
Kamala Harris toned down her attacks on big business, she made no plans to improve America’s health care system other than vague promises to cancel debt, touted the endorsement of war criminal Dick Cheney who wanted to invade seven countries in five years and whom was partially responsible for the deaths of a million, spent half as much time focusing on the most important issues during her campaign compared to Trump, and touted a Fortune 500 investment banking company‘s endorsement for her economic plans which made her look like an out of touch elitist.
All Harris brought to the table was “freedom” meanwhile Trump came out with right wing populist rhetoric and people seemed to like Trump’s rhetoric more considering that they have long since become disillusioned with the Status Quo.
Despite my… unpopular view on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
I’d like to say that this is nonsense. His street was closed off with massive police presence yet he deliberately took his kid to confront the protesters when he had many other options.