So yeah, the GOP method of handling the situation is as follows:
Employ the Trump method: Don’t hold town halls at all. No town halls = no angry voters. No angry voters = problem doesn’t exist! taps head
If you must hold town halls, either do them online where dissenting voices can easily be silenced by a mute button, or make sure they’re invite-only so the only people that are allowed to enter are those who support Trump’s position.
Blame any other dissention on “Democrat agitators”.
Whoa, these people are really angry at what we’re doing… Let’s keep doing it and just stop listening to them!
They’re doubling down on a coup
They have to be killed to be stopped
Fucking cowards.
I guess everyone is Antifa now
Called it. These pussies would either have jackbooted thugs evicting anyone getting uppity, have some “vetting” process involving loyalty tests for entry, or they’d just nope out entirely, is what I figured.
They don’t want to hear from their constituents about how it’s affecting them?
When you already have to cut off townhall EXPECTING to have viral clips of people rightfully telling you off… isn’t that already as bad?
Fearing the angry mob and a known/timed location intersecting with one highly desperate, pushed to the limit individual, probably.
High odds town halls won’t be a thing going forward. What’s also high odds is this is only the beginning of pushing the masses to the edge of the unknown (what they’re capable of). I greatly dislike this timeline.