I am obsessed with entering competitions, and I’ve won quite a few by now (I got free tickets to the same music festival seven years in a row due to my dedication). I love hearing stories of what others win and how they use their winnings.
Radio question. Sibling knew the answer, but didn’t want to call. Mother was driving. So I called. Have the answer. It was correct and I was the first. We won tickets to some young kids show and gave them to a family friend.
I also won a Weird Al lookalike contest. Despite being female. I was one of three people there and the only one trying. Which meant Hawaiian shirt, my old huge glasses, and permed my hair. Got front row tickets for that, which is all I wanted so my very short sibling could see the concert. Also got to meet him though, that was nice.
That’s cool - Weird Al is awesome.
Weird Al lookalike contest
I read this as ‘Weird ai’ and was confused at first
Just put a 6th finger on your hand and you’re good to go!
Poor guy, he came before the menace! I think he’s even said something to that affect XD
Ahhh, I’ve won a goodly number of things.
Back in school, me and this one girl spent years going back and forth as spelling bee winners.
Won a watermelon seed spitting contest.
Jr high, I didn’t win shit except some bad memories, but that’s off topic lol.
High school, I took a couple of weightlifting wins.
After that, as an adult, it was more hit or miss. Never anything worth money, or not enough to matter.
I am still absurdly proud of winning a biscuit cookoff at the county fair. Not even joking, I was up against old southern ladies that had been making biscuits longer than my dad had been alive. I had been working on perfecting my recipe at that point for about ten years. I won that fucking ribbon twice. It’s all about technique, how you handle the dough.
While it was kinda low key, no prizes, no ribbons, nothing physical, I won a cross school sparring session at the dojo I went to. We cross trained with several other dojos of various arts. But the guy that owned our dojo got five of those to all get together and do this big session.
Basically, you go in and you spar. Light contact only, you have to protect your training partner. But you get in the circle and you go until you tap, or someone scores a hit that would be a KO. Next person steps in when that happens. I was taking classes in both Japanese jujutsu and American kempo. This was maybe a year into things, so I was still raw as hell.
We were in three groups, beginners, intermediate and advanced. I was thrown into intermediate. I can’t recall how many of us were there total. I wanna say it was a little over a dozen in that group, plus maybe twenty in the beginners, and a handful in advanced.
Anyway, I was third in. I did the full group. Got damn close to an actual KO when an axe kick was faster than I thought. Was damn near choked or otherwise close to tapping more than I can recall. I was breathing fire and eating bitter. Like, my throat was in more pain than anything else because it doesn’t matter how well you hydrate, you’re panting and struggling so hard it gets dry in seconds. And I had to pause twice to vomit, hence eating bitter lol. I can’t recall the japanese phrase for it.
Anyway, the first two guys cycled back in, and I managed to scrape out an arm bar and a leg lock. The circle starts again, and I’m wiped. Like, my arms are rubber, I’m dizzy and can’t see straight, I’m wobbling all over the place. I don’t even remember the last two guys. But the last one got me. Basically just pushed me over lol. I had nothing left in the tank. But I was the only one in any of the groups to go a full circle.
I have no clue where it came from. I’m not exactly Mr stamina. I was a power lifter, I wasn’t built for that kind of sustained effort. I damn sure didn’t manage the feat the next meetup lol. Did well, but not running the circle well.
But! I did get my dinner and drinks paid for out of it.
Later on, as a bouncer, I got into some real fights and some of those were way less of a “win” in my mind.
About the only thing I’ve ever won that came with enough money to amount to anything was a chili cookoff. Prize was a hundred for the winner. So, you know, not a big prize or anything. This was small time stuff. I did do some other cooking stuff at a state level, but never got wins. I spent that hundred on my nephew. He wanted a guitar, and had been saving. He had found one he liked at a pawn shop, and was short something like fifty bucks. So I gave him the hundred to finish it off and get some strings or whatever.
When I was still being taken to church I won the door prize at youth group (church for teens) one night during a special event we were running (some thing to encourage people to invite their non-believing school friends and show how “hip” and “fun” they were, there were raffles and video games alongside our usual “live music”, skate ramps and bbq). The prize itself was a mobile phone. I was so happy because I didn’t already have one, but ultimately my parents decided I couldn’t have/use it until I got a job to pay for the credit. I did eventually get a job at KFC and was able to use the phone.
Another time I was visiting NZ with my parents and we were touring the base of a mountain and the guide was like “guess the height and whoever gets closest wins this pen”, I won but my mum made me give the pen back because she thought I’d cheated somehow? Idfk. Still a bit salty about the pen.
Back in the mid 90’s, I won a “Rocko’s Modern Life,” t-shirt from a Nickelodeon contest. It was one where you’d have to call a phone # when his face would pop up in the bottom corner or something like that for like 10 seconds. Caller # whatever, could win the grand prize or whatever but I got a tee. Wore that shirt with pride all the fucking time.
Almost 20 years ago I won an iPod Nano and a Fubu shirt at a raffle at a black church in Norfolk VA when I was 17. I was the only white kid in there.
To say the bus ride back was uncomfortable is an understatement
Were you the only one to win something?
One other kid won a BluRay of that Will Smith movie Hitch. He wasn’t happy.
Around 1981 or 82, I was about 12 years old and the local college radio station had a call-in for identifying snips of popular songs at the time. Best I can recall, it was Girls by Dwight Twilly, Let the Music Play by Shannon, and I think there were 3 others but I can’t remember what they were. The prize was a discount coupon to the local pizza place.
When the internet was still young I entered an online drawing to win a vacation on a travel website. I never really thought much of it. One day I decided to answer the phone even though we got lots of telemarketers. The woman was from the travel company and said I’d won a rafting trip in CO and that this had been their third and final attempt to reach me. It was totally legit, they paid for the flight, rafting trip and rental car. Due to low river levels the trip was moved to the San Juan river in UT though. It was an awesome trip. We even paid some extra to keep the rental car longer to add some extra sightseeing days to the trip.
We had a raffle at the local community center. Everyone bought tickets, and the prizes seemed decent (bottle of wine, large wicker chair, rocking horse). The winner of all three draws was the long-standing cleaning lady of the center, who had just had a grandchild and was heading for retirement.
I’m all for supporting someone’s retirement, especially for someone who has given a lot of effort to making the community feel hospitable.
But not like this, not like this…My wife and I did part of our gift registry at ‘crate and barrel’, they had a business card pot to have a drawing from for some cookware, I had just gotten my first business cards, and remembered a tip I’d read about bending/creasing the business card in half before dropping it in. I tried it and we won a 4 quart ‘le cruset’ sauce pot. It’s the most expensive piece of cookware we have, and it’s amazing. I haven’t used that trick since then, partially out of guilt, partially out of being 1 for 1 on business card draws.
Wait, but why does that work?!
Yours is the first post I’ve seen (using sync) that has over 100% upkicks.
Congratulations for breaking the system!
In theory it keeps your business card elevated / near the top, and has more volume to be grabbed from.
I’ve only done it the one time (genuinely), maybe they were giving cookware to everyone from that morning as a show of appreciation or to make them feel special, maybe it was just luck of the draw and I’m batting 1000 in business card raffles, maybe I’m only remembering my successes (I don’t think I am), or maybe it actually worked? The mystery of 100% success makes for the better story, so I deliberately stopped the practice.
(Also I have a way to always walk out of a casino with more money than you walked in with, not significant life changing amounts of money, but enough for dinner and drinks, but I like to tell people (genuinely) I’ve never walked out of a casino with less than I walked in with, the trick is to go to the concierge desk, tell them it’s your first time there, give them your name and address as verification it’s your first time there, they’ll give you house money, ever time you hit take the money out (it takes from your winnings before taking from the house money), at the end of the night compare how much you walked away with from how much house money they gave you, and that’s how much you’d have been down of your own money, my best is about 90% of the house money I put in as cash in my pocket, me and 3 friends did this and walked out with 150$ from nothing but a little time invested, the “real” gamblers hated being behind us as we checked out dozens of winning slips each)
Scholarship. When I was still in school.
Nope. But my GF is one of the luckiest people on earth. By now she won a car, 3 holidays, a travel bag, heck we are going to holiday on ice this Sunday, we bought the ticket last year, and we picked the only spot where thommy ten and amélie van tass have a show. We got upgraded hotels multiple times for free, she even once got a graphic designer monitor for half the price due to something.
About 15 years ago, I happened to stumble upon an online promotional contest for the movie 2012. It was a contest of logic games that took place 1 at a time over 4 or 5 weeks, and it just so happened to be week 1 still. Seeing as I used to be a big nerd (I still am, but I used to, too), I decided to give it a shot. Once the contest was over, I promptly forgot about it until I got a random phone call a couple months later.
Turns out, I ended up placing in the top 12, which meant I had won a PS3 and some crappy Sony video camera. It also meant that I was moving on to phas two of the contrst. Phase two required the contestants to make a video and get elected by the internet as the winner, for a chance at a vacation to Mexico. I wasn’t keen on doing all that, so I phoned it in for the video. All I wanted was the PS3, honestly.
A few years ago I won an expensive audio interface and headset from a retailer. Funny thing is that I don’t remember signing up for that specific giveaway
I won Blockbusters Donkey Kong tournament for the SNES when I was 6. Got a champions card that gave me one free video game rental every other week for a year. I won at two stores and my brother won in 3 stores in his age bracket. So we constantly had free new games to play. That was the best year ever.
Maybe fun fact: Dr. Disrepect’s “Two Time Champion” claim is from these blockbuster tournaments.
I’ve personally never won anything. I’ve entered maybe 1 or 2 of those contests yt people I watch/used to watch did where you go to the link and click on all the social media junk in hopes of winning a console, but never did win anything.
But a real long time ago my brother did win some contest. I think it was a radio contest but I don’t remember nor care much about it. Won some free martial arts lessons (probably just karate but I don’t remember). I think it was maybe 1-2 of them or something else as a promotion progresses something. I don’t fully remember because this was well over a decade ago.