During a National Prayer Service, Episcopal Bishop Mariann Budde urged Donald Trump to show mercy to immigrants and the LGBTQ+ community, prompting Trump to criticize her on Truth Social as a “Radical left hard line Trump hater.”
Trump dismissed the service as “boring” and accused Budde of politicizing religion.
Budde, known for her advocacy on justice issues, later explained her appeal aimed to encourage broader compassion.
Despite her message, Trump demanded a public apology, claiming her remarks were ungracious and uninspiring.
How dare a priest call for compassion towards others. Jesus would be outraged.
politicizing religion
Republicans are fine with it as long as religious leaders agree with them.
That’s why they love the smaller evangelical churches, there’s no higher authority and plenty of grifters who will always back them in return for “donations”.
They want to lead a religion, not be told what they’re doing isn’t religious.
From the maker of the Trump Bible.
And yet his diplomat wants give Israel the Westbank based on the bible
They want to deport her for hurting his feelings.
Deport her where? Honestly these people allegedly so freedom of speech are such snowflakes.
Looks like she is from New Jersey originally? I guess being banished to new jersey is biblically accurate if you consider the movie Dogma to be canon.
I thought they were banished to Wisconsin or Minnesota.
Hmmm… I might have been heretical then. Been a while since I’ve seen it, maybe I just subliminally associate Kevin Smith with New Jersey for some reason?
The church was in New Jersey, so that is where they were trying to get to. I happen to have the DVD and watched it within the last year
Ahh, well now I’ll have to download and watch it out of penance.
So this is weird: my ancestor in the US in the early 1600s tried to sell Bronks Farm (now the Bronx) to foreign investors and got his left ear cut off, hanged till nearly dead, then banished to New Jersey. That was apparently a punishment at the time.
It’s code for death camps.
The camps they are building soon.
Much more practical to revoke her church’s tax exempt status.
Still makes no sense. She appealed to empathy, and she should be punished?
Hm, Putting people that openly criticise the party on “a list”. Where have I heard this before?
Genuinely scary.
It also happened in the 50s with people the USA government decided it didn’t like the thoughts and statements of. Ruined a lot of lives.
I want to deport tRump out the nearest airlock. We can all dream.
The nearest airlock is probably at the closest cleanroom. Not very dangerous for him. But likely very dangerous for whatever is inside that cleanroom.
That shows how ignorant they all are, because according to Wikipedia she was born in New Jersey. So it’s telling that “deportation” is the first place they go whenever someone says something they don’t like.
They know.
Trump has no feelings. He’s just a Markov process of assholery.
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She just asked for him to show mercy. How is that hurting anyone’s feeling? What a snowflake.
Remember when Jesus apologized to the Romans about politicizing religion?
Jesus also said to pay your taxes, and was super against charging interest for loans…
It changed to “don’t charge Christians interest” to “charge everyone interest” over the years as the wealthy kept re-writting the Bible.
Then there’s the stuff about taking care of the poor and sick, which also isn’t a priority anymore.
It’s why I hate when Christians say they’re forced to be anti-LGBTQ due to their religion, but never fight for the stuff their religion says to do to help people. They just want to use religion as a sword, never a shield.
I still go back to Jesus’s golden rule: do unto others as you would have done to you.
He says that rule sums up all of his teachings.
You can 100% be Christian and treat LGBTQ people with respect. In fact, I’m pretty sure that’s what Jesus would want. You don’t even have to read the whole bible to know that, that’s Jesus’ own cliff notes version!
Organized religions that for thousands of years oppressed people will read the bible as they may, but you’re not a Christian if you don’t recognize the new covenant and hear Jesus words.
All the Abrhamuc religions hate LGBTQ because they all came about competing against each other.
It’s easier to keep someone born into the religion than convert someone who grew up outside of it.
So the biggest priority has always been for existing followers to have as many kids as possible. It all comes down to money/power. The more followers listen to you, the more money you get in donations and the more power you have. Even today, waaaaay too many Americans just vote how their religious leader tells them.
You can’t logic them out of it, because logic didn’t factor into their support of trump in the first place.
They reference themselves as sheep constantly, and they are.
Yeah, but he says that because he 100% believed they’d all get Judged when they died and punished for eternity in hell.
While it is a step in the right direction, I suppose, ‘I’m going to be nice to you because you’re going to get what’s coming to you later’ isn’t the best attitude to have, methinks.
Trump dismissed the service as “boring” and accused Budde of politicizing religion.
BWAHAHAHAHA ah yes, after thousands of pristine years of religion being apolitical, all it took was one woman with the balls to speak truth to power and now it’s been besmirched forever.
All it took is for one woman to say “have mercy” because that sentiment could only be political and was never part of Christianity.
Does he need a safe space for his snowflake ego?
The Trump crowd being upset at a pastor for saying show mercy and leave trans people alone just shows how they use religion for aesthetics only.
There is no way these people legit think they have any chance of reaching the gates of heaven.
He called her a radical left Trump hater. Like Jesus wasn’t radical left and pretty sure he would’ve hated Trump too. But I guess that tracks since some right wingers are calling Jesus’s teachings weak. I’m surprised they haven’t called him “woke” yet.
Her church is your church you moron.
Leviticus 19:33-34 When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the LORD your God.
Leviticus 24:22 You are to have the same law for the foreigner and the native-born. I am the LORD your God.
1 John 4:20 If anyone says, “I love God,” yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen.
Proverbs 31:8-9 Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.
Deuteronomy 15:11 For the poor will never cease from the land; therefore I command you, saying, ‘You shall open your hand wide to your brother, to your poor and your needy, in your land.’
Homeboy signed that thang with, “I am the LORD,” too. I’m not a Christian but if I were, I’d understand that there’s no two ways about whats being demandad and evern required as a follower of the Christian faith from numerous uno, the Don himself, in plane black and white.
I feel and live this way without such demands from the centerpiece of a religion and it’s the easiest and best way to live. Life is so messy and brutally hard sometimes and the last thing any of us need is having to haul around a worthless 200lb sack of hate over our shoulder every step we take. Let it go and you’re life will change radically for the better.
I don’t give a rat’s ass about religion, any of them. I also applaud that woman’s bravery.
To be honest she’s probably lucky this is week one and not a year in, when Trump would have her shot as an enemy of the president and criminal of the state.
Yup, anyone who disagrees with Trump about treating people like garbage is a radical leftist. Sounds about right. I’m so siked for a decade of this.
I’m so glad the government isn’t trying to control speech now that Biden is out.