That guy looks exactly how I expected him to look. But maybe with a 10-gallon hat.
The joke:
The post to his Facebook page shows a picture of President-elect Donald Trump speaking to former President Barack Obama at last week’s funeral for Jimmy Carter. A caption above the photo reads: “Do you realize, by the time I’m sworn in I’m going to be a felon that worked at McDonald’s? I’m blacker than you.”
I think there is both a racist and an anti-racist interpretation of this, but I also think that someone laughing at the anti-racist interpretation would probably know better than to post the joke publicly without context.
What’s the anti racist interpretation?
There’s no such thing in this “joke”.
I don’t think there is either, people have tried but none of it seems to make sense aside from the very obvious racist “joke”
IMO the racist interpretation is that it’s funny because while the stereotype is true, the idea that behavior alone could bridge the distance between white people and black people is ridiculous.
The anti-racist interpretation is that it’s funny because in order for the stereotype to be true, the ridiculous notion that Trump is black and Obama is white would also have to be true. For the people who like Trump, there’s also the implication that it’s wrong to discriminate against someone just because according to the stereotype he’s more likely to be a felon, given that someone who definitely is a felon is also the right person to be President.
I feel it’s möre dank… But it’s not appropriate for a man of his stature to post it yeah
He did it a few days too soon.
Give a real comic five minutes to roast this motherfucker and we’ll see who’s sensitive.
Every time a Republican shows they’re a bunch of Nazis, the media excuses then as not being Nazis.
America is so fucked.