This is merely about protecting established players in the industry. Let them compete.
Yeah, because over the past century, the introduction of novel foodstuffs into the market has always been perfectly safe, right? Or do you think magical market forces will eliminate food with long-term toxicity or other adverse effects this time, despite never having done so before?
Plenty of unsafe products remain available but this one is somehow especially bad to be worth banning on safety grounds? I don’t think so.
The US isn’t exactly a bastion of consumer protection.
If only people would admit to themselves just how “adulterated” most corporate farm meat is these days. Hormones. Antibiotics. Cannibalism.
It’s basically a bunch of bird flu factories at this point. Not to mention what it’s doing to antibiotics and their efficacy…
“If somebody wants to eat that stuff, they’re welcome to it — they’re just not gonna find it in Nebraska grocery stores.”
So they are not, in fact, “welcome to it”.
These people are always about the opposite of what they say they value. Competition? In the free market? Fuuuuuck that noise. We want massive subsidies poured into making poisonous products like beef while using up staggering amounts of water, land, and fuel, while poisoning the planet, because fuck you.
Probably their same view on other aspects of (actual) freedom, like abortion and freedom FROM religion, and so on. You are welcome to it, but first, you have to GTFO.
Time to stock up on weed and cultivated meat from Colorado!
This is one reason why I keep referring to states with legal weed “free states”. That’s why I love loving in Colorado. For the states that had trigger laws that kicked in on abortion the minute the illegitimate “supreme” court reversed 50 years of legal precedent, I started calling those states Gilead states.
The qons and the Enlightened Centrists ™ think that kind of frank language is just all too much, man, but I don’t think it is hyperbole at all.
Great, I’m sure your clever coinages are all that we’ll need to overturn all that state oppression.
It’s got chemicals, and it’s made with dihydrogen monoxide, and cells and dna and proteins and all the sciency shit you won’t find in all-natural grass-fed beef.
I like my steak made of two things alone: Grit and Patriotism. Just like God intended.
It’s really that Monoxide that’ll get you the dual Hydrogens. That’s how they getcha.
Ah the fearmongering when red meat is likely to give you cancer.
The research shows that plant-based meat is healthier.
Plant-based ingredients are a source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which all have health benefits. Furthermore, research indicates that plant-based diets can be beneficial for weight management, diabetes, and the microbiome. It also suggests that they may help prevent various health issues, such as hypertension and cardiovascular disease.
Additionally, official organizations, including the World Health Organization (WHO)Trusted Source, are concerned about carcinogens in red and processed meats that may increase cancer risk. The American Heart Association (AHA)Trusted Source advises that eating more plant protein instead of meat may improve heart health.
However, some plant-based products contain fillers and added sodium and may be high in saturated fats. In addition, although some manufacturers add vitamin B12 — which is essential for the body — to their products, others do not, which makes plant-based meats inferior in this regard. Plant-based meats may also have less zinc and other minerals than regular meat.
Cultivated meat is not about health, or at least not the person eating it. There is little reason to believe it won’t be just as toxic as meat made the usual factory farm way. Again, to the person consuming it.
The externalities may be much better, however.
There is little reason to believe it won’t be just as toxic as meat made the usual factory farm way
There is no reason to believe anything without evidence.
The research shows that plant-based meat is healthier.
There is no such thing as plant-based meat. There are plant-based protein products shaped like meat. And since they are all highly processed compared to actual meat, I would like to see longer-term studies before assuming any of that stuff is safe. Meanwhile, I’m sticking to tofu and tempeh. They’re processed too, but at least we have a few centuries of actual usage to look at when considering safety.
I’ve always considered factory farmed meat to be pretty adulterated and unproven. Yall should ban that too.
That’s right, two things can be bad at the same time.
Uh if it’s unproven what the fuck are we making laws about it for
I’m very curious what they’d say it needs to pass in order to be “proven”.
And then I’m curious if a pack of ground beef from the grocery store would be able to meet the same standard
They don’t care anyway. It’s about the money and if they can whip up just enough conspiracy theories about how cultivated meat is something “they” (the globalists, aka, THE JOOS - and let’s be real, that’s what so much conspiratorial bullshit always boils down to) want to make you eat, they can stall out progress.
Just like they do on climate change. Which, by the way, cultivated meat would help address. But of course, next quarter’s profits will take precedence over us, our children, our grandchildren, and so on.
The precautionary principle. For food and drugs, they have to be proven safe before being allowed onto the market. That’s a good idea, despite Nebraska perverting it for their own corrupt protectionist reasons.
Looks like famines back on the menu for red states, get the fuck out while you can.
Great… now we’re being racist about proteins.
Oh, cultivated meat - just like anything and anyone that deviates from what dumbasses think is a “normal” diet - is most DEFINITELY part of the stupid culture war that the qons love to engage in. If it isn’t fully on their radar yet, it will be.
These are the same dumbasses that think “they” want us all to eat insects (for the protein once “they” take away your precious, precious dead cow flesh, because, duh, protein is a miraculous ingredient and it is only found in dead things, lol).
So yeah, I’m waiting for the “cultivated meat will make you gay or trans” qonspiracy bullshit to start up in earnest.
I’d like to see someone show how the current system is “proven” and how it’s not adulterated before taking the word of some dinguses just out to protect their feelings and their money.
Woah, woah, don’t start spreading misinfo. It’s someone else’s money they’re protecting, for pennies on the dollar. Buying politicians is a great ROI
Shrug. In some cases, it might be both, since our legislators can straight up do insider trading, apparently.
I know of people that, because of companies they work for that involve trading, they have to either link all brokerage accounts to systems that are for compliance reasons, or submit all info on the regular to these compliance teams every quarter.
And what do you think happens if any suspicious anomalies are found for these plebes? Is that information turned over to regulatory bodies? You bet it is. But if you are a politician…
But yes. Elon is a prime example. He spent millions on donvict, and already the return is apparently billions. So yeah, orders of power more return on buying politicians.
Right for the wrong reasons. It is unproven. Nobody should be eating that stuff until it’s proven safe. And clearly they’re too illiterate to know what “adulterated” means.