Fifty-four percent of U.S. adults expect that Joe Biden will go down in history as a below-average or poor president, while 26% say he will be remembered as an average president and 19% as outstanding or above average.
Biden’s legacy isn’t going to be about what he did. It’s going to be about what he, and by extension, the Democratic Party, which as president and a member of said party, he is the de facto leader of, didn’t do:
“fixing the economy”, but not actually paying attention to or addressing the actual problems and lived experiences of anyone lower than “upper class” on the social rungs
appointing the most absolutely limpdick AG who could not be bothered to meaningfully prosecute any one of the primary players in a fucking coup attempt
breaking his promise to not shoot for a second term
refusing to step back from the campaign for far, far too long, when it was clear to everyone on all sides of the political spectrum that he was far too old and senile to effectively campaign anymore
ignoring the fact that a ton of Americans - particularly younger ones, and left leaning ones - are absolutely and completely sick of the gerontocracy he’s a central part of
failing to lean away from neoliberalism and corporate-friendly policies that are pissing the vast majority of voters off
refusing to stop supplying the apartheid - and now, openly genocidal - leadership regime in Israel with advanced military supplies
being mentally unable to break away from a very ossified and outdated view of Russia, and appeasing Putin instead of meaningfully supporting Ukraine
we can keep going, but I’ll stop here for now
Overall: Biden will be remembered as a mashup of the worst moments of Neville Chamberlain, Paul von Hindenburg, and Herbert Hoover (except there’s no FDR waiting in the wings, and who knows if we’ll actual get another free fucking election from here on out). Yes: he did a lot of good stuff, but at the same time, he dropped the ball so badly on so many other fronts that were and are absolutely fucking crucial. He’s going to be remembered for the latter part, not the former.
I agree with a lot of these points, but the one about the gerontocracy; I don’t understand how people have a problem with biden’s age but are seemingly fine with trump, who will claim the title of oldest president ever in this next term assuming he doesn’t die in office. (Not saying that I’m inferring that this applies to you from your post btw, just an observation about how everyone says Biden is too old, but the argument hasn’t been effectively used against trump for some reason.)
Same here. I don’t know why it’s not an issue for the people that voted for him though, especially because they made such a stink about Biden’s. Oh wait, I forgot…they’re hypocrites.
My point was that age only became a talking point in regard to Biden and that’s the only person in the aforementioned gerontocracy that seems to have been affected by the younger voters being fed up, so we’re essentially saying the same thing.
But why single out “the left?” Grassley won reelection two years ago and he’s 91 and afaik plans to run again in 2028.
Generally it’s young Democratic voters complaining, but again, same voters who support Sanders and Warren.
We saw a little bit of it, but not enough of it, with Diane Feinstein. I’m surprised we’re not hearing it about Nancy Pelosi. If you’re old enough to fall and break a hip, you probably shouldn’t be in office.
I don’t disagree with any of that, except that it’s way easier to break a hip (especially if you’re a woman who’s given birth in the previous few years) than most people realize. We’re generally really good at walking when we’re younger, so it’s not as common to fall (especially not without catching yourself and minimizing the damage), but a fall onto ice or stone at the wrong angle could damage a lot of 30 and 40 year olds’ pelvises.
I was very stupid and playing Pokémon go while drunk on a wet, mossy cobblestone road at 29, and I fell and broke my arm and eye socket. I lift weights and am generally strong and healthy, but it was just a bad angle. It took drunkenness, distraction, and a slippery and uneven surface to get me to fall without catching myself, but once I did, it’s not hard to do damage.
Edit: I will grant you: drunk Pokémon players do not show the level of judgment that I want from elected officials, but walking to work on an icy sidewalk if it’s your only transportation option is not an error of judgment and it’s more dangerous than people realize.
Biden’s legacy isn’t going to be about what he did. It’s going to be about what he, and by extension, the Democratic Party, which as president and a member of said party, he is the de facto leader of, didn’t do:
Overall: Biden will be remembered as a mashup of the worst moments of Neville Chamberlain, Paul von Hindenburg, and Herbert Hoover (except there’s no FDR waiting in the wings, and who knows if we’ll actual get another free fucking election from here on out). Yes: he did a lot of good stuff, but at the same time, he dropped the ball so badly on so many other fronts that were and are absolutely fucking crucial. He’s going to be remembered for the latter part, not the former.
I agree with a lot of these points, but the one about the gerontocracy; I don’t understand how people have a problem with biden’s age but are seemingly fine with trump, who will claim the title of oldest president ever in this next term assuming he doesn’t die in office. (Not saying that I’m inferring that this applies to you from your post btw, just an observation about how everyone says Biden is too old, but the argument hasn’t been effectively used against trump for some reason.)
Trump’s base don’t actually like the man on a personal level. Two of the biggest reasons people vote for him:
They’re conservative Christians who would vote for Satan himself if it meant appointing more Republican judges.
They view him as a giant middle finger to the establishment, elites, and existing party leaders.
Note, Trump being old as fuck doesn’t subtract from either of those core values.
Trump’s age is definitely on the long, long list of things I hate about him.
Same here. I don’t know why it’s not an issue for the people that voted for him though, especially because they made such a stink about Biden’s. Oh wait, I forgot…they’re hypocrites.
The left suddenly has no problem with a gerontocracy if we’re talking about Bernie Sanders (83, 1 year older than Biden) or Elizabeth Warren (75).
The center had a huge problem with Sanders’ age in 2016. That went away in 2020.
My point was that age only became a talking point in regard to Biden and that’s the only person in the aforementioned gerontocracy that seems to have been affected by the younger voters being fed up, so we’re essentially saying the same thing.
But why single out “the left?” Grassley won reelection two years ago and he’s 91 and afaik plans to run again in 2028.
Generally it’s young Democratic voters complaining, but again, same voters who support Sanders and Warren.
We saw a little bit of it, but not enough of it, with Diane Feinstein. I’m surprised we’re not hearing it about Nancy Pelosi. If you’re old enough to fall and break a hip, you probably shouldn’t be in office.
Yeah, agreed that they’re all too old. Bernie is great, but I’d have expected him to retire by now.
I don’t disagree with any of that, except that it’s way easier to break a hip (especially if you’re a woman who’s given birth in the previous few years) than most people realize. We’re generally really good at walking when we’re younger, so it’s not as common to fall (especially not without catching yourself and minimizing the damage), but a fall onto ice or stone at the wrong angle could damage a lot of 30 and 40 year olds’ pelvises.
I was very stupid and playing Pokémon go while drunk on a wet, mossy cobblestone road at 29, and I fell and broke my arm and eye socket. I lift weights and am generally strong and healthy, but it was just a bad angle. It took drunkenness, distraction, and a slippery and uneven surface to get me to fall without catching myself, but once I did, it’s not hard to do damage.
Edit: I will grant you: drunk Pokémon players do not show the level of judgment that I want from elected officials, but walking to work on an icy sidewalk if it’s your only transportation option is not an error of judgment and it’s more dangerous than people realize.