I hate trump and his spawn, but that’s not exactly what he said.
The title misrepresents his words. They don’t “treat him like an imbecile”. If you watch the clip, he says:
This’ll be like year, like nine of, ‘Hey, you know, have you ever thought to maybe have your dad not tweet that?’" he griped. "I’m like, no, I’ve never thought that 'cause I’m a freaking imbecile.
He never said they treat him like an imbecile.
The whole article is unnecessary trash.
… so the article is right? They ask him if he’s thought about stopping his dad’s tweets. He’s the one saying “no because I’m an imbecile” , but you know, that’s sarcasm, he’s putting words in their mouth - because that’s how he interprets their words. He’s saying that asking him this question is the same as treating him like an imbecile. So the article is correct that Junior says they treat him “like an imbecile” , because that’s how he interprets their attitude towards him. That’s exactly what he’s saying.
Good for Don JR, ‘imbecile’ is a longer word than I’m used to seeing him use. To be fair though, I imagine he heard it when someone called him an imbecile.
I’d assume he used a dictionary there but I don’t think he can spell dictionary or imbecile
Our cartoon president got his number so hard
The most brutal indictment of a Kettle I’ve ever heard a Pot make.
Well if the coke fits…
Snort it?
Don… it’s not just your dad’s friends…
he griped. “I’m like, no, I’ve never thought that 'cause I’m a freaking imbecile.”
“I’m smart! Not like everybody says… like dumb! I’m smart and I want respect!”
He misses the old days when he got to fly on Uncle Jeffys plane and sit on everyone’s lap.
Trump 2024: Fuck your feelings, snowflake.
No one, especially his own party, gives a shiiiiiiit.
Picture needs to go viral.
This twat started rocking a beard to look tougher, but it just made him look like more of a twat.
Or he doesn’t trust himself with a sharp object and his neck in close proximity.
I bet his dad’s pals are some real pieces of work, but…not sure they are wrong on this one.
Well if it quacks like a duck…
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And snorts like a pig
Like father like son
I call bullshit. Don the Con’s friends aren’t smart enough to recognize an imbecile.