He was always crazy though. You just weren’t paying attention then. No one remembers him going wild and calling the Thai rescue divers pedophiles to their face and all that?
The rescue divers were the first real public turning point. He has always been crazy, but he tried really, really, really hard to project a cool-uncle, anti-establishment persona online before that.
I think he eventually just realized he was rich enough to stop caring and so he stopped pretending.
I try not to judge Tesla drivers too much since plenty of them bought in before Elon went full mask-off in support of fascism, but if you own a Cybertruck you were 100% aware of what you were supporting when you bought it and I will absolutely judge you for that poor financial decision. Fucking Cyberdorks.
People who own Cybertrucks might as well fly giant Trump and Elon flags. Fuck every single one of them.
I call them Cyberbacks. They aren’t trucks they are bloated hatchbacks.
They genuinely look like city dumpsters from behind. Saw a green one, thought it would be a good place to dump my bottles and cans.
Sell the fucking car if you can.
Here is my favorite.
I bought this before I found out Elon was crazy. Man has always been insane, we just weren’t listening yet.
I always knew he was crazy, but I never thought he was “kill democracy” crazy. It’s a spectrum.
Yep. Elons always been a massive piece of shit.
The idiots who’ve spent the past decade slobbing all up and down his knob have just willfully turned a blind eye to it cause they subjugated themselves to his derranged cult of personality, that was built all around the idea of his “saviour of humanity” bullshit with regards to his stupid rockets and electric cars.
He was always a shitbag.
He just had good PR, and most people never listened to the people countering it.
Now, he’s fired the PR… and he’s still a shit bag with his crazy on.
Why do they buy cars? To make political statements or to pollute less?
It’s not like Elon Hunk himself is creating these cars with his hands
Just driving your Tesla without trying to apologize for it would be a lot more dignified.