2 months agoA falling knife machete has no handle.
A falling knife machete has no handle.
and I sharpen those every 30 minutes
I’m sorry, what?
If I sharpened my knives after every 30 minutes of use I wouldn’t have any steel left after a couple of months, tops. My knives are shaving sharp, I use them for several hours every day.
If your knives hold an edge and are profiled correctly, sharpening every 30 minutes (even a quick touch up) is entirely unnecessary. Professional meat cutters and fishmongers annihilate cutting for 10 hours a day and require razor sharp tools, and they don’t spend even close to as much time as you’ve claimed touching up their edges.
Don’t get me wrong, I love sharp knives, but either you’re exaggerating or doing it wrong.
In no particular order:
If I have trouble due to stress or the neighbors are making noise I’ll throw on an eye mask and ear plugs.
I’m basically comatose 15 minutes after hitting the pillow and wake up before my alarm.