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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2023


  • Eneloops are about the best rechargable AA and AAAs you can buy, they last close to forever. I’ve got some that are a decade old and still in use after thousands of uses and still about 80% of original. You chose well.

    And it’s fine. I used to use them a lot for GPSrs. A pair of eneloops lasts about 8 hours in an Oregon. A pair of decent branded Alkaline AAs lasts about 7-8.

    The voltage is not an indicator of charge life when you’re comparing different chemistries. The reason you’re seeing low charge is that your device is not calibrated for rechargables. In things that are, they have settings for both so you can select which you use. If your thermostats don’t, then they’ll always removed about anything other than Alkalines.

  • Walking on Dartmoor one cold, gray and rainy winter’s morning.

    A young man in a sodden T-shirt and shorts emerged out of the mist on the same moorland path I was on. He was carrying a tesco carrier bag with a ram’s skull sticking out and what looked to be the spine stuffed into it.

    Sheep die out there all the time so it was probably a chance find - but walking in what were difficult conditions so poorly dressed, but with a carrier bag…? I still wonder what he was going to do with his prize.

    Oh, and that time when I drove around a corner to find five pirates pushing a horse and carriage up a hill. (It was a themed wedding and the horse was slipping on the way to the reception so the followers got out of their cars and helped push - but it earned a second glance)

  • I have been this week, for the first time.

    I’m using Hugo to design a new website and Gemini has been useful in find the actual useful documentation that I need. Much faster and more accurate than trawling the official pages, and does a better job of providing relevent examples. It’s also really good at sensing what I’m actually asking, even if I’m clumsy at the phrasing.

    And for those who continue to say AI isn’t really useful for learning - another thing I’ve been using it for. “write perl to convert a string to only container lowercase, converting any non-alpha chars to dashes” - I’ve learned how to do stuff like that over and over again, but the exact syntax falls out of my head after a few months of not doing it. AI is good at providing a quick recollect. I’ve already learned perl properly (including from paper books - yes, I first wrote perl a quarter of a century ago) - and forgotten it so many times. AI doesn’t prevent me learning, just makes it faster.

  • Don’t.

    Two reasons:

    Many employers require you to install phone-management software as part of the data loss mitigation/data exfiltration requirements - and those requirements might be set by their insurers.

    This gives them the ability to remotely lock or wipe your phone at any time - useful to them because they remove company data if you lose your phone, or you leave the company, or are suspended for any reason. Obviously that’ll also lose any personal data on the phone, but that’s your problem, not theirs. They can also monitor its location and similar things.

    That’s obviously a reason why you should never, ever, use a work-issued device for personal use - besides it being against their acceptable use policy. If your employer requires you to check email then they are required to issue you the means to do so. They cannot insist that you use any personal devices for that.

    It’s bad for your mental health.

    Keep work to work hours. Keep work devices for work. Keep personal hours and devices for your personal use.

    This physical separation requires a little discipline but, having been on all sides of this barrier (employer, employee, suffering with poor mental health, and currently, in good mental health) - I know this to be the only way to achieve a health balance.