Of course it is. Trump is a big WWE fan. So much that he put lady McWWE in for a new position.
Of course it is. Trump is a big WWE fan. So much that he put lady McWWE in for a new position.
Thanks for that explanation. I looked it up and, yes, it looks like Andrew created it. What a douche.
The entry on Earth and the “biblically illiterate scientists who claim the Earth is 4.5 billion years old” cracked me up. I can’t tell if this is supposed to be serious or someone created it as a parody.
It’s all just, wow…
For sure. I’m just being sassy. 😋
Knifing, dude.
Stabbing implies there was a puncture and knives can be used to slash or puncture.
They are! Every Sunday for a couple hours. Maybe even on multiple occasions during that day.
Remember to tip, though!
Breakfast, lunch, and dinner may or may not include a wafer and a thimble of juice.
Once you’re done, you should leave and feel good about the roof over your head experience and the lecture you got about how to be a better person. Just don’t actually follow the lessons, though! People that are different from you should feel bad about themselves and need to be saved from themself.
“Stealing” jobs is just Americans being willfully ignorant that these people are willing to work shit conditions, for less pay, so they can get that “American Dream” they’ve been sold so often.
Yes, you’re correct the corps are enabling it but the other aspect is our own citizens being ignorant fucks and not caring about adjusting their views because it would mean admitting they are wrong.
Nah. He’d be one of those trees that smells like a rotting corpse and he’d probably be on the smaller side.
That’s actually how it’s supposed to work. You don’t talk and you refer question askers to PR, HR, and lawyers. I’ve always been instructed this for any organization I worked for.
I had to look up who this was and found this. Thought it was interesting.
I don’t know, but I suspect it’s a combo of the following:
No great options for being successful (it’s a lot of luck), suppression of all sorts of things such as mental health, toxic tribalism, and options for people (internet dating, friend groups, and more openness about sexuality different from the “norms”).