Sounds like the rebellion should start in Delaware.
Sounds like the rebellion should start in Delaware.
LoOK HOw EFfICiENt wE aRe!
The first glitch was him winning.
The outlet also pointed out that Trump’s lack of social media posts suggested he was weighing his options.
He’s having quiet time to reflect on the choices he’s made or he’s so senile that he can’t think one thought at a time.
I’m surprised they didn’t just defund the library for lending out “banned” books. I guess that’s the next step after they build the entrance just to own the Canucks.
Can’t you just say you are one and walk in? Idk how they check that if you never registered.
Dude is not following any sorta norms. He’s making shit up as he goes. If the Supreme Cunts say he’s right then it’s the rule.
He’s saying its because of the auto pen. If he signed with hand then he won’t think it’s invalid.
Such a child. “My Pardons are better than yours”
He just can’t stand that we are not just laying down and receiving his limp penis.
So tonight around 7pm est this threat will be canceled. He’s got such a predictable pattern. Every country he threatens with tariffs they should return in kind and NOT back out when he does. He wants to be a bitch and make threats his mouth can’t cash.
It’s illegal to NOT buy something? Where do these guys come up with this? Is it illegal that I don’t buy MAGA swag and Trump coin? If that’s illegal then fucking lock me up because I refuse.
Wait, I didn’t get that message. Why are we not in this group chat?