Hehe… Thank you!
Hehe… Thank you!
As it happens the author of the post themselves commented on this one, but I do appreciate your help tho😊
Exactly my experience🫂
Samee!! That’s my problem too
I don’t know what you mean by delicate laundry bags, is it any kind of container used to store delicates (and you toss the laundry bag into the washing machine?)
It’s cotton, all of it is, I am concerned about the dyes they use, will they seep into my skin or something
Thank you very much for the reply, it helps
I’d rather not actually
(India) The shirts are made by my mom and I buy it from her (the supply chains are pretty concentrated and short)
Shrek disagrees
That’s absolutely preposterous, I am still alive and my friends say I am one of them Neanderthals
Haha… Well put
There must have been a misunderstanding, when I said I want to “eat pussy”, this is not what I meant
Why else would I ask that question? Completely unrelated but you won’t happen to have any goats nearby, would you?
Decades you say😶😶
That’s true.
I have a question I can pose to anyone, but I am posing to you, do you think Lemmy focuses way too much on the things which we can’t control and disregards what we can? I.e., when I asked that question I wanted actionable steps on which I can base my life around, something to help me be better, instead every answer I have gotten seems to focus on things we can’t control.
I was thinking the answer would revolve around Attitude, Discipline and Mindset, and tho the answers are as revealing as these, I am not getting anything I can act on. Is Lemmy fixating on the negative 🤔
They stare and get too close and touch you all the time. I kept having people touch my shoulders and try and touch my face when I was in public or queuing
This is more of a culture thing, I used to do it a lot when I was younger (it’s considered friendly)
Also, I am not having as much effect on the environment by eating meat. I eat once or max twice every month. Not every day like some americans (soap opera americans)
I eat a protein low diet, 400 grams of rice and maybe 200 grams of what and some dal (which is protein rich but I eat very less quantity of it). One egg, and this is the best case scenario and I don’t think that will get me more than half of what they say I need to be healthy.