Thank you very much for the reply, it helps
Thank you very much for the reply, it helps
(India) The shirts are made by my mom and I buy it from her (the supply chains are pretty concentrated and short)
Shrek disagrees
That’s absolutely preposterous, I am still alive and my friends say I am one of them Neanderthals
Haha… Well put
There must have been a misunderstanding, when I said I want to “eat pussy”, this is not what I meant
Why else would I ask that question? Completely unrelated but you won’t happen to have any goats nearby, would you?
Decades you say😶😶
That’s true.
I have a question I can pose to anyone, but I am posing to you, do you think Lemmy focuses way too much on the things which we can’t control and disregards what we can? I.e., when I asked that question I wanted actionable steps on which I can base my life around, something to help me be better, instead every answer I have gotten seems to focus on things we can’t control.
I was thinking the answer would revolve around Attitude, Discipline and Mindset, and tho the answers are as revealing as these, I am not getting anything I can act on. Is Lemmy fixating on the negative 🤔
They stare and get too close and touch you all the time. I kept having people touch my shoulders and try and touch my face when I was in public or queuing
This is more of a culture thing, I used to do it a lot when I was younger (it’s considered friendly)
Also, I am not having as much effect on the environment by eating meat. I eat once or max twice every month. Not every day like some americans (soap opera americans)
go vegan
nah I love meat! Can’t live without it. I thought I would eat factory manufactured meat, but that sounds like just a bunch of fucking chemicals bunched into one. I thought they would just grow meat like in the lab, but no. Pretty misleading ads out there.
It’s cotton, all of it is, I am concerned about the dyes they use, will they seep into my skin or something